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Everything posted by stormtracker

  1. Why can't it just fucking do right. Still slides it S and E off
  2. Some decent stuff coming up, just not sure it's gonna fully turn the corner
  3. i'm up to 123...angle of attack does look a tad better...still unsure if it'll make the turn quick enough
  4. I have nothing to say. Just saying hi yall
  5. There are some more than noise level changes out west with h5...let's see what she's gonna do
  6. at 93, nothing jumping out so far. Imma just shut up now and wait for the good panels. I can only say. "aint shit happening" but so many different ways
  7. Like I said, there are very subtle differences, but could have an affect that propagates down the line?
  8. Up top is slightly further NE with the ULL...could just be timing tho.
  9. Nothing of note yet on the GFS...but it's super early. Things look similar outside of some very small noise level changes. But we aren't to the panels where we can start to see the H5 changes that needs to happen
  10. I hope you're joking, because you know what comes next, right?
  11. See post above yours. I’m gonna be peeking. But no way he’s gonna let me yak it up for whole runs.
  12. lol yes I will Man, fuck Valentine’s. <looks around to see if he’s near>
  13. Well yall good luck tonight at 0z. Bf and I have a spectacular dinner at 9 and some Valentine’s alone time, so I will not be on tonight.
  14. Anybody have important plans Thursday?
  15. I've been sending that model hate since it's been posted here.
  16. I like your confidence. Wish I had it. Dead serious.
  17. You mean the GFS? It's going to shit the bed. If this is going to happen, the GFS always catches on late.
  18. Correct. Many people here won't make it. The mental breakdowns and hysteria could be epic. People are thirsty man...we haven't had something potentially this good since 2016.
  19. I'm trying to tell you son, so you won't be heartbroken. Check your expectations this far out. You live in the MA, you know how this goes. I'm already scared of the future runs because you know there are going to be some stinkers in the mix and it may bounce back. I'm just trying to temper expectations...I'm a vet, I know how this shit could go down. If this was Sunday, I'd be fired the fuck up
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