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Everything posted by Iceagewhereartthou

  1. 85/66 for me right now, but feels like dp should be a lot higher; very muggy out. I miss last week!
  2. Awesome 58 this am IMBY, GSP so close bottoming out at 60. Looks like I'll see 50s again tonight. Went to Sassafras today, was 64 at the top at noon, literally felt like October. Wish the cool down was for real, but have to wait 6 more weeks I guess.
  3. Man you guys are talking about low 60s already, that's awesome! Waiting for it here. High of just 76 today, currently 72 with and nice cool breeze, but looks like cooler air is to my NE. I thought this was a fropa, but acting more like a wedge? Was hoping to see a novelty 59 tomorrow morning but may not make it... still, windows open and ac off baby!
  4. Made it up to 75 earlier until a shower came through and cooled it back to 71. Awesome for July! About .7 so far in the rain gauge since last night.
  5. Man I feel for you guys, what is your location? I haven't seen 100 since 2012. Guess I really can't complain, have been in the 80s the past two days, and don't look to hit 90 through at least next weekend.
  6. Ouch! You're in need of some relief!
  7. Interesting spread of temps around the region yesterday. It was actually fairly nice here yesterday. Pretty high dew at 73, but my high was just 85. Even GSP only reached 89, despite a forecast in the mid 90s, and it wasn't a thick cloud cover either. We've had a couple of hot weeks no doubt, but I don't think I've been above 94 all summer, which was back in the late May wave. Closing in on 9 in of rain for the month and near 38 for the year so no drought here. Just came back from coastal SC and, man I forget every year, but the heat and humidity is on a different level there; brutal!
  8. This evening feels like the first time all summer that the heat and humidity have reached that critical level of suckiness. It's like clockwork, as soon as July comes in it just reaches a whole new level. Now for 8 weeks of pure torture...
  9. NWS now showing 97 in the forecast for GSP next week, triple digits for CAE - ouch!
  10. Don't think I've reached 90 yet this month. Too wet though, another .5 today, nearly 7 for the month and over 35 for the year so far. Other than that couple of weeks in May it won't dry out! So I guess it's either never ending rain or never ending 90s. Arrgghh!
  11. Laugh out loud. In my experience, they'd be brown by the time you got them home anyway.
  12. "That blast... it came from the Death Star...that things operational!" " It's a trap!"
  13. Yep beautiful temps today, haven't hit 70, windows open all day. As good as it gets for mid June. Looking forward to low 50s tomorrow night and maybe the next too!
  14. Currently 116 in Palm Springs, CA, also the highest current temp on earth! Looks like CA and DSW seeing their first heatwave of the year.
  15. Yeah we'll see about the rain. I'm in the 7-10 inch band on one run I saw; hope I dont get that much. With snow, I'm kinda in that western upstate snow hole, oconee and pickens counties that get skipped a lot due to down slope drying and coastal transfers; BUT, I'm just far enough east to usually get something. Last year I got three inches (of mostly sleet) from the December storm, and that was it for the whole season. Got two snows the year before but only 2-3 inches each.
  16. Well dont think I'm reaching my forecast of 85 today, only 72 and overcast with off an on drizzle. Feels great out there!
  17. It is indeed amazing how different the weather can be in different parts of the state. I guess you guys have been in a rain drought AND a snow drought! Well we suck at snow too, but have at least seen a little.
  18. Lol, I love neither and I hate the heat! But the fact is I had around 100 inches of rain over the past 18 months so having three weeks of dry weather has been a very welcome break for me. Now I hated the hot weather, but it was almost worth it to have some time without constant rain. It's funny, I feel like some people want several inches of rain every day or their not happy... BTW, what is your location? I understand the lower part of the state has been much drier this year than my area.
  19. I've really enjoyed the dry weather the past three weeks or so; a MUCH needed break for my area. Now I guess it's back to endless rain? We need a happy medium!
  20. So much for the "cooler" weather today in the upstate, hot and muggy!
  21. Hard to believe the heat we are looking at for May this weekend! GSP has not hit 90 yet but will do so easily on Friday if not before. GSP has not been higher than 96 since July 25th 2016, but could well surpass that ere the month is out! Not looking forward to this AT ALL! I remember one year back in the mid 90s when a May heat wave reached the mid 90s and ended up being the hottest weather all summer. Would be nice if that happened again here, but something tells me this is gonna be another 2016, 2012, 1993 type of summer.
  22. Accuweather gets you out to August 12th , gives me an 87 that day.
  23. Boy, REALLY hope TWC is overdoing this heat for late next week, mid 90s gonna be torture!
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