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Everything posted by Iceagewhereartthou

  1. I dunno, it was feeling like mid summer today to me.
  2. Talk on the other board about the Euro showing no cooldown and the GFS only showing CAD type cooldown as opposed to FROPA. If it doesn't cool down soon I think I'm literally going to curl up in a ball and cry. Edit: just checked out the GFS, looks like the 12z is better at bringing the cool air down on the 5th still , then reenforcing the cooler air thereeafter, whereas the 6z has a small cooldown but then less cool after. Still looks like it wil be cooler thatn now either way, but not sure if "Fall" is on the way yet or not.
  3. The averages at GSP for October 5th are 76/54. TWC shows 78/56 for that day. Pretty sobering to think we're looking at a possible significant Fall front with a major cooldown and we'd still be above average. I wonder if below average (for more than a random day or two) will ever happen again?
  4. Sheesh; 9/26 and its 92 at GSP, CLT, and ATL, and 96 at CAE at 2 pm!
  5. And just 20 miles to your west, my yard looks a lot more like Burns. Definitely losing a few brown leaves, but trees still green. Hydrangeas wilting though.
  6. I remember back in July accuweather was showing a very mild September in their monthly outlooks, it may have showed it early August as well. So much for that.
  7. https://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/2019/09/23/sc-gets-hotter-columbia-greenville-anderson-extreme-heat-national-weather-service-forecast/2120020001/ Behind a paywall but you can go incognito to read it. Article on SC cities heat and expected increase through mid century. Also some stats. One interesting stat, comparing CAE to USC campus downtown. While I know CAE has seen 100, 5 times this year, the article says the NWS station at USC has reached 100, 25 times (and the record is 36 in 93 and 98)! I see the USC reporting station from time to time and noticed it's usually hotter than CAE, if one can imagine that. It does hold the state record of 113.
  8. SEP 23 Sunny 91°68° 10% WSW 6 mph 49% TUE SEP 24 Mostly Sunny 89°66° 10% NNE 6 mph 53% WED SEP 25 Sunny 89°64° 0% E 6 mph 45% THU SEP 26 Mostly Sunny 95°69° 10% W 6 mph 49% FRI SEP 27 Sunny 93°69° 10% ENE 6 mph 51% SAT SEP 28 Mostly Sunny 92°68° 10% ESE 5 mph 55% SUN SEP 29 Mostly Sunny 94°67° 10% NE 6 mph 54% MON SEP 30 Sunny 92°67° 10% ENE 7 mph 54% TUE OCT 1 Mostly Sunny 90°66° 10% ENE 6 mph 56% WED OCT 2 Sunny 90°66° 20% ENE 6 mph 57 AHHH, those cool crisp temps of Fall! Those refreshing, breezy, walking around without melting days and AC cutting, window opening, comfortable sleeping nights!
  9. That and the fact he moved from Hendersonville to the snow hole of the country; the upstate...
  10. Cooler day yesterday did not translate to cooler night last night. Forecast for low this am was 58, made it down to 66.2. Looks like all the 50s in SC are in the PeeDee region over to CLT. All 60s and even low 70s upstate. Marion SC at 52, GMU at 70!
  11. Welp, after another day of runs the post 25th cool down is now completely gone and the heat continues to build through the end of the run. The 18z GFS wants to push a pretty big front across country the first week of Oct, though verbatim, I'm not sure it would make it past the mtns. Enjoy the next few days fellas!
  12. I understand what you're saying, but using last September, one of the warmest on record for many, is not a great benchmark. Plus averaging this September compared to last year doesn't tell the whole story. The highs this month have been way higher then the highs for September last year. The average highs in AVL this September have been nearly 5 degrees higher than last, resulting in 8 days it has reached 90 or higher through the first 17 days, compared to a monthly high of just 87 last year. The only reason the averages are closer to last year is bc the lows have been closer to normal, but most people are reacting to the highs. And this is just AVL. Yes, it will eventually cool off, but most of us hate bringing summer into October. Even if we go below the mean for last year, that will be little comfort for most. Regardless, looking forward to these next couple of days!
  13. My kids were at soccer practice this evening and it was plain nasty outside. Worst September ever!
  14. WOW. Also 96 CAE, 95 GSP, 94 CLT, and even 90 AVL. This has been truly ridiculous, especially the daily highs. I though last Sept was bad but geez.
  15. GFS continues to show second cool off after 25th, but now it's very brief and builds the heat right back in through the beginning of Oct. Big time trough out west with some bona fide cold coming but ridge in the East just won't go away for more than about 48 hours. Anyone know what the driving forces have been for the trough west/ ridge east that has been almost the exclusive pattern the past couple years?
  16. Gonna feel awesome once it gets here. Just wish it wasn't going to get hot again in a couple days.
  17. Don't think I've ever seen GMU (Greenville downtown airport) still at 81 this time of night in September. That is nuts! I'm at 68 imby; big time heat urban island effect !
  18. Except I'll remember the good old (cooler) days.
  19. GSP supposed to be 82/62 today with average temps dropping every couple of days. We ain't been CLOSE to that! Our 30 year averages are going to skyrocket once the 80s drop off and we figure in the 2010s.
  20. I'd love to think summers were too short! It really is amazing that going north just 500 miles can be the difference between endless winters and endless summers. Crazy to think such a short distance makes that much difference.
  21. Yeah some nice wx late this week, but it looks like it goes right back to the furnace. I'm going to have to move, this May to Oct summer is getting to be too much for me.
  22. Yeah, something about the dominant large scale pattern has led to this for an extended period of time, going on years. Others on here can better speak to it, but it's obvious and there's no sign of change. I keep holding out hope it would change or flip to a western ridge pattern for awhile but this may indeed be the new normal.
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