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Everything posted by Moonhowl

  1. Congrats!! Get a real winter then a lovely break from winter for you and the Mrs.
  2. Woke up this morning took a look at this and thought it was generated for somewhere other than KAVL:
  3. Sounds like your average January in most of North Carolina
  4. Merry Christmas to all of you mountain folks As for the weather; fire up the grill or have fond memories of last year; Christmas eve 2020:
  5. 24 F IMBY this AM, went out and enjoyed the early morning by seeing a few meteors from the Geminids meteor shower.
  6. Might want to wait to buy in until you see it on your yardstick.
  7. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Down to 28 F here in the valley in Asheville. Hope to see a few snow flakes tomorrow morning. Enjoy!
  8. Saw that Sugar Mountain was open yesterday; snow cover is looking more sparse today; the upcoming cool down should get ski season going nicely.
  9. A few photos taken when hiking with my wife the other day; concur that the leaf color has been great this year:
  10. Been a minute since I have checked: Congrats to you and the Mrs.!! Picked a great time of year to get hitched and to have future anniversary celebrations!
  11. I celebrated a near 30 hour drought yesterday by mowing my grass.
  12. I was guessing there would be flooding at the mill, recall seeing some of the high water marks there from 2004.
  13. I have a dream of hanging out on the deck wearing shorts and a tshirt. 2nd consecutive year with chilly windy weather lingering well into May; I have to say its wearing on me a bit.
  14. The -NAO seems to be the most consistent in the spring. Last year per Mountain Thread records; I think the last high elevation snow was on or about May 9.
  15. Just got down to about 40 F IMBY down in the valley, warmer than I was expecting. Guess the wind shut down any valley inversion.
  16. The spring/summer thread has arrived. Must mean snow is on the way!
  17. Seems like we get a cold snap every year at the beginning of April then again my memory is not so reliable. But we are due for our annual March or April flip to -NAO:
  18. I recall that winter there were several blown calls on snow storms that didn't materialize; people were joking that it was a plot by Ingle's. Back in those days no internet at home and I really wasn't buying into the Super Storm hype which much to my surprise wasn't hype at all. I recall a little snow that Friday afternoon (March 12th) then it quit for awhile then a lovely gentle snowfall Friday night (28 years ago on the exact same days of the week). Woke up to the wind and massive amount of snow on Saturday. Lost power and decided to walk to a friends house that had a wood-stove. He met me half way with a thermos containing hot chocolate and rum. I wore a motorcycle helmet for that walk straight up Merrimon Ave in Asheville; a guy walked up to me and said, "you have the right head gear for this storm!" IIRC, I measured 21 inches of snow (may have been 23 inches); and I believe they had measured a 78 mph wind gust at the National Climatic Data Center in downtown Asheville. I have some recollection of a little bit of lightning and thunder as well if I am not getting my storms confused. What a great adventure it was 28 years ago today
  19. Nice; I just happened to be parking by the gate when the ranger opened it to the Craggy Gardens Visitor Center yesterday. I ended up being the first car up there after opening the gate; the second car arrived about a minute after me. Numerous times my wife and I hiking or myself on the bicycle have been on a closed section of the Parkway and they opened it. I was always amazed at how quickly the cars followed. This time it was me LOL.
  20. A toasty 38 F IMBY. Airport reporting 40 F with dewpoint of 22 F
  21. Famous last words but I would be suprised if some of these high totals verify; we will see...
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