Had the opportunity to sit in on a presentation tonight by the EM director from Joplin. Some notes from his speech.
7,500 residential homes damaged or destroyed
9,200 residents displaced
530 businesses destroyed
30 businesses will not be returning
4,500 employees affected
17,000 tetanus shots given out
The hospital saw an increase of 100 patients every 15 minutes yet the hospital (St Johns) evacuated totally in 90 minutes.
The hospital moved into a basketball arena and they were doing surgery within an hour of opening.
At one point, ambulances waiting to transport were 4 wide and 20 deep.
Freeman Hospital had 10 deep waiting for each of 4 operating rooms.
100% of primary streets were cleared 36hrs after the storm.
5000 emergency services personnel from 435 different agencies responded.
6 total passes were made looking for survivors.
Last alive was rescued on Tuesday.
The tornado removed 31 man hole covers which have never been found.
Three fire trucks destroyed.
Two fire stations destroyed.
3 million cubic yards of debris removed.
90-10 split of reimbursement.
Most sheltered at any point 650
2977 mobile housing units ordered.
569 families needed temp housing.
Currently 453 remain in temp housing.
118,197 volunteers registered for duty
720,834 hours of volunteer service logged.
54 percent of the city has been rebuilt or is being rebuilt at 9 months.
St Johns did NOT shift off its foundation. The upper three floors tilted 3".