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Posts posted by fountainguy97

  1. 2 minutes ago, TellicoWx said:

    16z HRRR freezing rain..concerning. Have to fill in the holes where simulation can't keep up with the front.


    I'll be interested to see the transition tonight. Do we go straight rain to snow? Or an inbetween? 

    And as pointed out a big question still remains in regards to our moisture.  The DGZ will be on the ground.  So we could end up with basically freezing mist for hours after. 

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  2. Unfortunately ugly trends today for most. This arctic air mass sucks the life out of our moisture way too fast. It's a curse in disguise really. 

    Parent low too far north so we can't tap into any extra NW flow energy.

    Not a non-event by any means! But this will be a pretty brief 1-2hr changeover to snow before the moisture dries up. 

    fun fact: this will be by far the slowest start to winter in the short 4 years I've been here. (I know we have been spoiled the last few decembers. Still makes me sad lol)




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