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Rhode Islander in Balto

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Everything posted by Rhode Islander in Balto

  1. Radar says nothing should be falling but a good deal of sleet/snow mix coming down in Parkville....more snow mixing in by the minute.
  2. Confirmed light snow mixing in over on the city/county line in Parkville just now.
  3. They're called "needles" - here's a great resource for snowflake types: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~atomic/snowcrystals/class/class-old.htm#:~:text=This system defines the seven,%2C ice pellets%2C and hail.
  4. 31.4 / 29.9 in Parkville. About 1/4 inch of ice accretion, temps holding steady and now starting to drop slightly, winds shifting finally and are coming out of the NNW.
  5. Some of the best rates of the day right now, too. Finishing strong here.
  6. I’m below the beltway by about a mile on the city line, so sometimes it’s a bit warmer here than surrounding Parkville. My station link is in my profile.
  7. 28.9 / 16.8 in Parkville on the city/county line. Temps actually up about a half a degree in the past hour, dews climbing. Nice to see some other NE Baltimore folks in here!
  8. Anyone living in Baltimore metro who loves snow should be on team Roger.
  9. I have a few of these to dust off on Saturday for my cheat day. Such a good beer.
  10. I really picked the wrong week to quit drinking
  11. 35 / 17 in Parkville 21234 city/county line, elevation 376 ft
  12. 32/21 in Parkville on the city/county line. Elevation 367’ Even with low expectations my area will probably surpass all of last winter’s totals tomorrow. I’ll take it.
  13. I’m not far up the road in Parkville on the city/county line, elevation is 367’. I’m in one of the higher spots in the area.
  14. RA/SN mix in Parkville. 36.8/34.4 and still dropping fast.
  15. 36 / 9 in Parkville. Clouds streaming in from the south pretty quickly.
  16. Finally picking up again in Parkville, and the skies to our south look quite a bit darker. Heavier snow inbound. As soon as the game is over, it’ll be time for a walk.
  17. Just off Old Harford, a few blocks south of Taylor. If I wasn’t sick right now, I’d probably be at Racer’s throwing a few back
  18. Just hit 2” in Northeast Baltimore. Nice fat dendrites falling again. 26.4/25
  19. Went out for a walk at 6:15, barely snowing tiny flakes. About halfway through, you could see the dendritic growth start, and the crystals getting visibility larger. Sidewalks and streets started to cave pretty quickly. When we got in it was coming down pretty good, with beautiful fluffy dendrites falling. 28 / 25 in Parkville with SN+
  20. Finally snowing in Parkville, on the city/county line. Tiny flakes. 29.3/22
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