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The Alchemist

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About The Alchemist

  • Birthday 03/12/1966

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Saluda NC @2205 ft

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  1. 15*3 this morning down here in Saluda NC. Hasn’t done that for a morning low in several years…. .
  2. I think that was the year had some friends get stuck at the Pisga inn, foot of snow memorial weekend… Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. This Saturday's show is going to be cold!!!
  4. Would Saluda fit into that?? Though I like living vicariously through some of the folks up north of Asheville....
  5. I was over at a friends house picking up some rough sawn hardwood and he had this over in a corner.... is this where Buger got his handle from?? It was one of those "Where have I seen that before" moments...
  6. Couldn't make it in to work (ICC) I-26 is flooding at the bottom of the mountain near the Columbus NC exit. Took Hwy 176 back home to Saluda and can't believe how much water is on the road and how fast the waterfalls are running. This is like a tropical system getting caught in the southern Apps.
  7. Reports of a few sleet pellets mixing in down in Columbus NC…. At 47*. Seemed strange but mom has a gas fireplace with a metal flue and said she could hear it quite clearly…. She could see a few pellets bouncing on the deck… Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. New mountain thread has been created, Can a mod please pin it? sorry so late, internet was down...
  9. Let's hope I bring the Mojo to this... after all, back on March 11th 1993 I wanted snow for my birthday... and we all know how that worked out!!
  10. I’m not well known around here, but I’ll do it tomorrow at noon if everyone’s ok with it… Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Really rocking tonight down here in Polk county!!! Been a while since I heard thunder like this… Edit… looks like Rutherford county is about to get slammed as the line moves north from SC Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Drove back from Charlotte tonight. I 85 and 74… Shelby got hammered with that storm… I’ve not seen that much lightning from a storm in a long time…. A few times had to pull over as there was so much rain flooding the road you couldn’t see the lines to tell what lane you were in… Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if the NAM was sniffing something out for Easter after the winter we just had… Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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