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About sussexcountyobs

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  • Location:
    Canistear Reservoir, Vernon , NJ

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  1. Snow showers currently falling here. 40°
  2. They just came by the 5th time. Overkill for 1" of snow? All I can figure is it's not accumulating as much down in the valley? Cause if it was , that would be their main priority. IDK?
  3. Props to the Vernon, NJ. DPW. They have passed my house plowing and salting 3 times in the last hour. Just saw them again. Make that 4 times.
  4. Agree. I like to give the most accurate, non inflated measurement as possible. Wind makes it very difficult.
  5. Steady light to occasionally mod snow continues. 17.1° Maybe 3/4" so far?
  6. Steady light snow. Eyeballing 1/2" new. 17.6° Still have full snow and ice cover here of about 3". I just want to melt all the ice on my driveway.
  7. At this point. Screw this cold. Screw this wind. Bring on the 70° and sunny. Will we get more snow here ? Most likely yes. But I'm done with it.
  8. No. Only 32 here. Trees have alot of ice.once the wind starts, it's going to be a BIG problem.
  9. Still getting freezing rain. Temp 31.8 If it doesn't warm up soon before the wind starts, this is going to be a disaster up here. Already have had branches breaking off with basically no wind.
  10. Alot of freezing rain accruing right now. I hope the temp spikes into the 40's before the high winds come in tomorrow.
  11. Sorry. But I'm going to have to call this a bust on all forecasters for here. Every one said 2-4", Even 3-5". I was even confident we'd get at least 2.2" to get me to 40". Nope. 1". Now light freezing rain. 28.3°
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