I was serious when I said your subforum was probably, for me, the best on this weather board. There is no better place for me to go during the winter months. But there is a place for off-topic posts. I hope there are no hard feelings.
I have been following your subforum since it was was eastern weather and I considered it one of the best. This response from CoastalWx makes me rethink. What the F... happened?
Contrary to what I thought, this is not a really serious subforum. Recommending a 4" rain gauge , no matter what brand, brought ridicule. Unbelievable.
I have never heard of or preached Stratus. What is the difference between Stratus or other brands? I don't have a Stratus. My gauge looks like the one you just posted. For sure it wasn't Stratus, whatever that company is.
And I thought the New England forum was the place to go for serious weather discussion. What is the big deal about buying a 4" rain gauge that can be used in all seasons? My Davis Pro is super in all but the winter season. The rain gauge is a cheap backup.
I depend on well water, and I definitely care about drought conditions. You seem to make a joke about this whole thing.. I actually hope we go through an extended period of average precipitation in the U.S.
They are also good in the winter for snow,sleet, rain to get total precip. Remove the funnel and inner tube. The tipping bucket gauge on my davis pro sucked in the winter.
I visit a lot of different sub forums and I come across lots of acronyms that aren't listed on the weather.gov website or in a google search. I don't know how to do it but maybe someone could create a table of acronyms, even if they are region specific.
Had 0.43" early this morning. I didn't hear any thunder and only realized it had rained because my bedroom screens were wet. With these temperatures any rain at this point is a positive.
Tip, I understand that you are probably a very well schooled meteorologists and have a lot to offer this weather board. But why do you feel it necessary to offer your thoughts in a manner which is incomprehensible to most weather enthusiasts like me? Absolutely no offense intended.