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Everything posted by wkd

  1. Just my two cents but I want to thank all the mets and knowledgeble hobbyist for all their input into the analysis of this storm starting at least a week ago. The progression of this event has just about all of the aspects a person could expect from a coastal. This has been a tremendous learning event. My only regret is it wasn't a DC to Boston KU. It's been sooooo long.
  2. I should have measured every 10 minutes and cleared the board. Maybe I could have gotten an inch or two. Lol
  3. Absolutely true, but it is better for wienies like me to have snowfall exceed expectations than be disappointed when the 10:1 clown maps don't work out. Experienced mets usually have a better grasp of regional situations and know when modeled snow depth change is too low.
  4. If people would look at the "total positive snow-depth change" instead of the 10:1 total snowfall maps their expectations would be more realistic.
  5. It's been snowing here since 8 this morning and there is less on the ground than an hour after it started.
  6. Up to 3/4" now. Radar looks good, and if the temps had been lower the last few days there likely would have been much more accumulation on surfaces. Snowfall has been moderate for the last few hours and it's beautiful outside. 33F
  7. About 1/2" accum so far. Only on grassy surfaces and my deck. I didn't expect this. I love it when it snows during daylight.
  8. I'm not sure where you stand on snowfall totals but at my age I would love to see an all day heavy snowfall that I could enjoy looking at, and then the following morning not have to clear the snow to resume normal activity. I would really like to see the proportions of posters here that depend on others to clear the snow so that they can get to work as opposed to those that depend on their moms or dads.
  9. As much as this winter has sucked for us, the fact is that, relative to normal, it has been awful for the mid-atlantic and central/southern New England also. So many wienies like me have shared the pain.
  10. Got 1" here. Everything is white except paved surfaces.
  11. A better verification score regarding which parameters? I have wondered about this for a long time. My guess would be long/short wave evolution but perhaps a met could clear this up.
  12. Thanks. I'm going to up my total. Anything helps this winter. Lol. P.S I usually post in the Philly forum. Give it a try.
  13. When did you measure? I waited until this morning and had about 1.5". When I looked outside last night around 10pm it looked like more than that. I live a little south of Branchburg near the WAWA and Fuscos on 202.
  14. Occasional flakes. Sooner than I expected. 39/27
  15. 0" yesterday and 7/8" so far this winter . Just posting here to help cheer you up a little. Lol
  16. You should have quit with your first sentence. I'm not quite sure what you are talking about as far as southern NJ goes.. Of course they have a climate more similar to those in the mid Atlantic. You act as though you should be included in those living in Vt, NH, ans Me.
  17. I absolutely love cold and snowy winters. That being said, I am a homeowner and heat with oil. Sometimes I wonder how many of the people here need to pay utility bills. I can afford the higher prices for oil but I am sure it puts a strain on the budgets of many in the northeast area. I'm just trying to put another perspective on this dismal winter.
  18. What is it you ragging on people not in your region posting in the NE subforum? Maybe we lurk and post because it is probably the best one to get weather knowledge. Just accept it as a compliment to you guys.
  19. That seems to be the scientific consencus but how about using your met degree knowledge to let the rest of us non-mets know how the slow warming will affect the likelihood of the already rare KU events. Please contribute with your knowledge of meteorology instead of continually putting up crappy one sentence posts.
  20. What's the difference between a RNA and -PNA Ever since Benchmark started using the term RNA I have been confused.
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