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Everything posted by wkd

  1. besides the euro, the 500's on the jma and ukie look promising for the 12th/13th.
  2. i wonder if Mt. Holly follows our observations.
  3. What radar app do you use? Reslly liked the images you posted.
  4. I feel your lain. I live about 5 miles norheast of Flemington. A little over 1 inch. Snowing hard now though.
  5. 1" so far. Can't figure out why I seem so far behind you guys in Pa.
  6. The orange band on COD radar means business. Pouring snow here now.
  7. Heavy snow. 0.50" so far. Got a late start. 24/22
  8. Very, very light snow. 29/18. Really hoping the dry slot goes further east.
  9. I've been using COD forever for radar and never realized it had a ton of other useful information. I feel like an idiot. If you haven't already, check it out. 27/17 cloudy
  10. I live in the Three Bridges area about 5 miles northeast of Flemington. I'm guessing maybe 10 miles northwest of you. As modeled so far we are both right on the line for heavy snow. I'm looking forwad to your obs during the storm. Good luck?
  11. I saw you post in the NE forum during their last storm that you like it when the heavy snow comes at night. I'm just the opposite. My joy is watching it fall during the day. I wouldn't mind if it all melted by the following morning. I'm getting too old to clear snow.
  12. 18Z 12k nam moved east some, finally stopping the northward crawl or the rain/snow line. I was getting concerned. Hope the other models follow.
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