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Everything posted by wasnow215

  1. So 2009-10 was in KG for 12/18-12/19 and the 2 Feb 2010 storms
  2. From South Jersey King George, Va 2008 Glen Allen 2013 Moseley, Va this past August
  3. I can't remember this much consistency 3 1/2 days out from so many different weather models. Can you?
  4. Globals continue to churn out big numbers consistently. Mesos will be interesting to view starting Monday really.
  5. Nam only goes out to 84 hours obviously but looking good
  6. This is good but it's the one that they draw a circle in certain areas and give it "slight" or higher chance
  7. @RIC Airportdo you have that WPC map that shows heavy snow possibilities like you had the other day? Just wondering if it updated
  8. Dr. No continues to say yes! This time was emphatic!
  9. At least 75% of all the global runs have been at least 8 to 10 inches of snow for over two days now maybe three. That means 75% of the comments on here should follow in content Lol. Just sayin. Terrific start to 12Z model runs!
  10. So how much did Richmond get in 2003 PD2? I was living in inland Cape May County, New Jersey then and we got a foot and a half of snow.
  11. True but one run in a bunch globally that wasn't an early phase. And it ain't the king so we will see how they all trend the next 36-48 hours.
  12. Pure powder for RVA on this model on this run
  13. 5 days out but still all globals on board for something of a MECS. And really it's 4+ days out now.
  14. Hey @RIC Airport when you post the maps and it shows the amount of snow for the four different areas in the Richmond area I think one is Richmond proper, I think one is Petersburg. What are the other two? They lineup four of them from north to south.
  15. I've been having trouble for a while. That's why I have to save it to a file and then post the file
  16. Wakefield consistently conservative-professionals realizing this has a chance to be big is encouraging
  17. Nah I'm good at my SUPER BOWL CHAMPIONS EAGLES PARADE today so everything next week is fine!! E A G L E S EAGLES H E C S HECS!!
  18. At my Eagles SB parade still paying attention to these model runs! It gonna snow! E A G L E S EAGLES!!!! H E C S HECS!!!!
  19. Meh-not to be cliche but it is the icon
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