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Everything posted by wasnow215

  1. Yes and man if we could we would have him start out with 4" of free snow in his backyard! Lol
  2. I kept looking at "snowdepth" on US Weather for real amounts and it wasn't near the high numbers 10:1 was showing. Snow depth to me is the most conservative maps to view anyway.
  3. Done then - you're it! Lol-Your compensation will be exactly the same as @RIC Airport! Haha
  4. Btw-I used to sleep pretty good til about the first week of January lol. Can't Euro be shifted an hour earlier? lol
  5. Real quick -LAST NIGHT'S 0z CMC was very amped and pretty much all sleet in RVA. 24 hours later most SE. Onto the Euro
  6. My gut tells me south and east is still good at this point. Gives wiggle room with temps. To @AlexD1990's point what I don't like is those runs were drier also. That trend needs to stop.
  7. Seems like ensembles change from run to run like the op's do tho.
  8. You're right my bad. I mixed up my non US globals lol.
  9. True lol-IF it's a trend. Like I said CMC was the most NW 12 hours ago -now it's the most SE.
  10. One thing to note tho- a LITTLE East isn't bad. Keeps cold air in and helps Hampton roads etc. Ratios would be better with more cold.
  11. So the CMC goes from the most amped at 12z and mixing issues all the way up to DC to this? So yeah no.
  12. Nothing is going poof-GFS has been the least consistent model for this potential storm since started tracking this past Wednesday. Like @RIC Airportsaid, if we keep expectations at 6-10 it'll help keep all of us sane the next 3 days.
  13. I think I saw a map on the main thread 14" SP
  14. @RIC AirportCouldn't 2/83 be a comp for this poss storm?
  15. What about Feb 10-11 1983? Big from Richmond through NE? Different setup?
  16. Fascinating reads last couple pages for sure. @psuhoffmanHow bout comps where RVA and DCA get comparable snow totals where both get double digit snows? How many of those? BTW was at the SB parade yesterday. Such a great day!
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