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Everything posted by wasnow215

  1. Dude! That was my exit for Hunton Park where I used to live! Moved down here by Mag Green this past August.
  2. Lol!! Last call of the last call. 2025 version of defining words. "Last" -coming after all others in time, space or degree. Or in this case "last" AGAIN!
  3. Why did they wait so long. "Trickling into the solutions"??? It's nowcasting time. Seems silly.
  4. Look at the map again though. Very well could be 2" at Kings Dominion and then up to 6" near Petersburg and of course spots in between get 3-5 between there north to south. Then apply the same thinking in the 6-12" band. 6" at or just south of Petersburg for instance to 12" at Norfolk. They're not going to use multiple colors like that on a tv map.
  5. I've never seen HRRR verify RVAman. Ever And it changes from hour to hour
  6. Man -I'm impressed that y'all are keeping this up. I thought by now it would be one of those one post every 6 hours threads lol.
  7. Yeah it's been less overall for a couple days now
  8. Wow-I should've kept my 2-4 lol. Yeah DT keep ignoring it though.
  9. This is very reasonable. The other day I had this thought we could all get more sleep if we just waited for forecasts like regular people haha
  10. Hey everyone let's remember this-at least this time we almost for sure will get more snow than DC Lol!
  11. Wow- so we're riding with the one being retired next year. Let's do it! Lol
  12. Thanks just looked but cmon man he's talking about ONE of models
  13. Where is this info at? Just looked at FB don't see it.
  14. Wow he's at "mad scientist" stage now. Like shakin his fist towards the sky stage lol
  15. They're 6+ sorry but nothing else showing double digits at all. Mesos just olayin catch up.
  16. What ones are still big? Nothing left more than 5 for RVA is there?
  17. I just really think it picked up the big numbers later than the other models and hence the smaller numbers later also.
  18. My thoughts on the NAM-Has anyone considered that the lag for NAM is in line with the Euro that had the big numbers a few/couple days ago BUT NAM just now its real wheelhouse just like Euro got its real wheelhouse a few/couple days ago?
  19. Looking like it's going to lose qpf and not as amped on this run. Let's see
  20. Maybe-the Euro has the upper level low pushing the developing coastal low not capturing
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