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Everything posted by wasnow215

  1. Tomorrow it'll be in range then I'll be concerned
  2. I'll be very clear about that last part. I have to assume people who say that are joking. Because if anybody lives in a region of the country or moves their family there because of snow they are completely insane. And if they talk about it and they're being serious about it there's some insanity there too lol.
  3. Big improvement for us here southern folk lol
  4. Exactly-could that happen? Of course-but GFS hasn't shown that
  5. It does -so my call for here in RVA is 3-5"-I think it's similar to concerns for you guys up there that you get fringed and northern areas for you get next to nothing
  6. Snow depth down here is like 6-7". Temps hover 32-33° whole time looks like.
  7. Hahahaha! Funny thing there are people who will take your post seriously!! GO BIRDS!!
  8. It's all good haha-I've had almost 8" of snow in 2 storms-the 2 Jan storms we had in 6 days. Besides the amount of days in March and April it's 68° and sunny here where it's 50° and dreary up there, is worth living down here just for that hahahahaha.
  9. Friday you said "no accumulation". Models disagree. That's all I'm saying. But this is a happy day! My Eagles, A team I've loved and rooted for, been to dozens of games etc etc, for 50 years now (I'm almost 57 lol) are trying to keep the Chiefs from a 3peat! So don't wanna beef with anyone. So I'm gonna hold on my prediction of 3-5", even tho it will be a wet heavy snow, that I made Friday, and we will see what happens!
  10. So even tho 80% of the model runs since Thursday night have been snowy, the individual model runs that fluctuate to less snow are the ones that are right for SOME on here? Got it! Self inflicting mental anguish lol The blend is what matters
  11. Lol-WE weather hobbyists have to add to the percentage of the bipolar population in the world -it's wild
  12. I said 3 to 5 about 48 hours ago I'm gonna stick with it
  13. But we don't look at one run as being a trend right either way?
  14. It's not "it's the NAM". It's the NAM outside of 36 hours. It's ok inside 36.
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