12Z UKMET has the ATL area as the jackpot with 5-5.6”. This is actually a reasonably accurate map when considering their other variables of <0C 850s, temps of 32-33F, and plentiful qpf of 0.6-0.7”.
If that were to verify, it would be slightly more than they got in Jans of 2011 and 2002. The last time ATL officially got 5” was in Jan of 1992 though the northside got much more in March of 1993. So, I wouldn’t bet on this much occurring at this point, especially with other models having much less due to warmer upstairs like at 850 mb. It is a high outlier for snowfall in that area compared to other models though it has shown it on the last 3 runs: 4”, 3”, and now 5+”.