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Everything posted by TheMainer

  1. I honestly have no idea how Windham, Gray, Winterport, etc can justify having a snowmobile club anymore when like you guys said it barley lasts 3 weeks a season. We only groom on average 10 weeks and looks like it is gonna be more like 7 this year north of the 45. Did manage 60 miles prior to the New Years rain to try out the Lynx, 3rd worst start to the season for me since 2009. Hopefully it turns around, might try to get a few more miles tomorrow after our 4-6 inches yesterday, but at least I got my Quebec season pass worst case, but outside of Mt Valin there is hardly any riding up there.
  2. I'm hoping our area can get less than 2 inches of rain and we might keep some pack. 8 inches in the lower elevations of the system, a foot in town, over 16 inches above 1,000 feet. Was tough going Sunday out clearing blow downs.
  3. I like living on the border of GYX and CAR so I just click back and forth over the county line to see who is giving us more snow, usually the one that gives us less snow wins though, haha. Hoping for 6 inches + of paste to set a base, then another 6 inches on top of that next week and we'd be grooming by Christmas day for the first time since 2019.
  4. Seems like models are thinking less QPF up this way and down by you gets the better snow load even if it is a bit more sloppy. Aroostook county would be pretty salty with Lewiston getting 10 inches and they get 2, haha.
  5. Exactly where I want it to end up for my neck of the woods!
  6. I was going to go to Mont Valin riding Friday through Sunday but decided to wait this storm out and see since if we can get 8+ inches we can at least get the club sleds out to pack and trim blow downs, tired of looking at green grass while you guys at least got a little snow last night, haha
  7. Looks great living north of the 45th parallel!
  8. Got a 12 hour shift planned in the groomer starting at 4pm Friday afternoon to groom all the new snow, 2 Bang energy drinks and a couple slices of gas station Pizza will hopefully fuel me for the 66 mile run (all out and back trail runs).
  9. Usually that means good for the north country, but don't want to see this slide too far north. We ended up with a foot when I expected 6 inches on Saturday so another 6-12 and we'll be in as good of shape as the winter of 2018-2019.
  10. Did 400 miles this weekend, hit opening weekend at Libby camps then up to the trains and back Friday then did a loop to Jackman Saturday, we stayed off the trails a lot but getting in and out of Jackman was the thinnest I've seen it, rideable buy barely. Can't see how anyone in their right mind rode through the forks this weekend, luckily we have a bypass for that. Just need my 6 inches of paste and I'm thrilled, we'll be in decent shape then
  11. Just need 6 inches in north central Maine net of any rain and I'm happy since it'll be time to start the groomer!
  12. No that's my buddy's 22 Backcountry X package, looks better in person in my opinion. I prefer my black Renegade X, but waivering between a 900 Turbo and a Lynx 850 for my spring order this year. We'd be in decent shape then, hoping that Thursday night into Friday pans out for us as we're 8 inches of wetter snow away from the trails shaping up nicely
  13. Nice 90 mile ride yesterday to end 2021 south and west of Greenville, rain seems to have gone away for today and getting a couple inches of snow tomorrow, possibly more Thursday, getting closer every day!
  14. Bud and I rode 45 miles on Sunday up in North Central Maine on unplowed roads, 2 inch ice base with 6 inches of Saturday fluff on top, hit a few higher elevation ponds also. Wednesday needs to trend back this way a bit and we'd probably start grooming in a decent amount of places. Hopefully the potential around Christmas Day works out for us too and we'd really be styling!
  15. As long as that is the last big NW jump we'll still be fine, but I really dont want another ice storm so praying it stays or ticks back SE.
  16. NWS is giving us all snow on Tuesday and again on Friday, hope it verifies because our winter carnival in town is Saturday the 20th and that'd get our trails into really good shape. They're still pretty good considering we have almost no snow, but we really need a refresher.
  17. CAR upped the expected totals for us from 9 to 13, got a long way to go to get there but there is a mean band right on the doorstep that is hopefully all snow. Holding steady at 29F
  18. Jackman area has had it tough in this, we've been right on the edge of the heavy stuff (on the right side) most of the day, estimating 4 to 5 inches now, but that is a nice band coming in off the ocean that should land home in about an hour
  19. Awesome, thank you. Sorry for the questions, only a few people actually focused on Maine in here, haha
  20. I hope so, about 3.5 inches in Monson at about 8am, dryslotted for a minute but seems back. Hope the radar keeps filling in up to a foot and we'll be styling when I fire up the groomer tomorrow.
  21. Got a few snapchats from up north as I'm in southern Maine right now. Looks to be absolutely ripping. Hopefully some snow stays in the trail instead of all ends up off the side.
  22. I'm hoping as thing thing keeps moving north it gets more intense (like the Euro shows) and gets the totals up Skowhegan north, if we get a foot we'd have all our trails opened, but 6 will allow us to get the two main ones done
  23. I really hope this starts tucking back in towards Maine instead of exiting stage right, our snowmobiling related businesses are suffering bad up here with a complete crap season. This is the latest we haven't groomed in a season since at least the 90s, neighboring club has but they have a RR bed and we don't.
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