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Everything posted by TheMainer

  1. Since I'm still learning, you're thinking a return to normal to above normal temps towards the 2nd half of December after the cold period the first two weeks? Just want to make sure I don't get my hopes up haha.
  2. Honestly pretty spot on probably, the NWS does do a good job of accounting for local topography and natural snow lines, around here they're usually spot on.
  3. CAR isn't very aggressive, will be curious what GYX thinks.
  4. About an inch so far and looks like radar has fallen apart a bit, but still lightly falling. Nice mood flakes with the wood stove rolling along. Feeling 3-6 inches Thursday night for here, prefer no snow so things freeze better, but at least I'll have enough to take my 2001 800 triple grand touring project for a spin around the yard. Gonna swap it over to Mach Z pipes and carbs next summer and possibly ship the motor to crank shop to make 200hp on pump gas.
  5. Really hoping we don't get more than 2 or 3 inches so the ground can freeze early next week, but it is what it is. We're about ready to go for our trails except one last bridge that we need to haul material in with the groomer anyways
  6. Life will be good north of the 45th parallel hopefully the next few weeks.
  7. My buddy shot a 206 lbs 8 pointer last night currently hanging in my garage, first thing with horns he's seen all season.
  8. We're still able to ride from the house here but need some snow really badly. Taking the ol lady to Mont Valin school vacation week since she's a teacher and I had to get a Condo on the mountain since riding in and out of Jonquire is bad right now when usually they have 5 feet. So far this isn't worse than 2011-2012 season for me, but if winter ends the same way that one did this season will win the worst ever award...
  9. We usually do decent in these setups, hoping for 4 inches to give the drags something to work with after this Ice completely locked down our base.
  10. Looks like a good setup! Did you guys build that yourselves or have someone make it for you? My next big want is a brush bar for the drag to help trim face slappers as you groom since I haven't met a club that doesn't like theirs
  11. You should have a good weekend up north, took yesterday off to groom another 60% of our system, just one more trail left to do the other guys are packing today with sleds so we can take the groomer. Hopefully ride 200 miles Saturday, full on winter fun!
  12. Closing in on 7 inches from what I can tell measuring in a few spots to average, still ripping out there. Very Happy with this storm so far.
  13. 5 inches total currently of fairly fluffy stuff, still coming down, picked up and inch in the last hour, wood fire is ripping along nicely and enjoying the flakes. Let's see if we can squeeze another inch or two based on the radar, looks completely dry 25 miles south of here but nice steady snow to our southwest it appears
  14. 1/2" of snow here, starting to come down more steadily, been lightly falling since Noon. Hoping we still get our 6+ as I've already teed up to take off Thursday to go grooming
  15. Got the groomer out today on one trail, real close to being good on the rest, 6 inches and I think we'd be opening the rest of the system
  16. Snowing probably close to inch and hour rates, perfect time to run to Greenville and get her some new snowmobile gear and lunch, hopefully we get another 4 inches and I'll be perfectly happy with this storm.
  17. That's what I want, If we got an exact repeat Sunday and Monday will be full 10 hours grooming days opening the system, I'm gonna bet lower though with only 4 or 5 inches and get half the trails open hopefully
  18. Radar says we've been in rain for a bit, was snowing up til about 2 mins ago as it had flipped back the past half hour, nice Wintery morning out there, two towns up the old man said they had about 9 inches when he left at 5am so guess closer to 10 by the time it's all said and done. Good starter storm for sure.
  19. The snow definitely blew and drifted around a bit here last night, I'd say 7.5 inches and is now pinging sleet with freezing rain mixed in. Now to minimize the rain damage coming to the pack. This is real man snow for sure, about the ideal storm to form a base, if we repeat this Saturday we're in business!
  20. Where do you guys usually go? We had ol trails last year that weekend, it was the coldest day of the year February 4th, -20 and windy and we rode 200 miles, only saw 8 sleds all day and had to cut 10 trees, but trails were glass smooth
  21. What we call the mountain is Russell mountain about 6 miles west of Monson, extensive logging road and windmill road network that's interconnected over 1,000 feet of elevation, gets snow early and keeps it late, almost over to Moxie Pond near the Forks. Ton of fun messing around up there early season with multiple loop possibilities, only need a foot to make it fun and rideable without grooming
  22. You'll definitely need to get used to it since REVs corner really well and flat I always thought, but once you do you'll wonder how you ever rode a REV chassis with the big advancements in suspension and ergonomics. I rode my 500ss 14,000 miles, bought a 2014 back when I graduated and kept the REV as a backup, sold it soon after cause I just couldn't ride it anymore.
  23. If we get net 5 inches Wednesday and net 5 Saturday planning to ride Sunday up on the mountain to break in the new sled, 60 miles of logging roads just poking around and cook a hotdog over a fire
  24. GYX WSW saying possible 12+ near us, CAR saying 5-8 then rain, hoping GYX is right, they usually end up a bit more accurate than CAR
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