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Everything posted by TheMainer

  1. Snow squall ripping good, less than 1/8th mile visibility as I start my drive to Houlton for a closing
  2. -9F in the Piscataquis river valley this morning, hoping we get 4 inches this afternoon but not holding my breath, Sunday going south, probably next week too. Oh well, carbides, studs, skis, etc are just wear items!
  3. Yeah we were lucky to maintain at least an inch or two of crusty ice/snow (up to 8 inches in higher elevations) since around Thanksgiving which has been helping tremendously, don't think we'd be doing anything if we didn't have that. Hoping you guys can cash in and establish a good base, I'd like to ride south towards at least Skowhegan or further this year since we've been getting a little burnt out of our area north thats been the only riding possible for 5 years
  4. Yeah my house is one of the furthest south places you'd want to leave from, seems to be a snow hole from me to Newport and then Auburn looked like more snow yesterday down by you when I went to the office. If we can pull off a foot in the next 10-12 days then things will be pretty damn good for school vacation week, probably the best conditions for that week in 5 years if we can avoid a cutter
  5. Think we might be too far north to get much over 3 here, but going to open another trail tonight with the groomer and planning to try the last two Friday night. Not gonna be stellar, but will be a lot better than it currently is ungroomed
  6. Touch under 3.0 inches of leaf blower movable fluff in Guilford, Maine. Hoping for another 1-2 overnight tonight
  7. Took the wife, the old man, and his GF down to Acadia National Park today to do 60 miles, up Cadillac and over to Eagle Lake. Pretty neat and you usually only have a short window to do it, sometimes years in between opportunities.
  8. Good 210 mile day leaving from the house up to Pittston Farm, a loop through the woods, back down Moosehead and back to the house. If we can get the snow train going it's gonna get real good up here.
  9. Close to 2.0" here in southern Piscataquis county but can't quite call it that, busted high. Can't complain, gives the sleds a little lube leaving from the house this morning for a 200 mile ride.
  10. As long as it stays south of here you can have all the ice you want, I remember sitting in the dark next to the wood stove for a week in 1998 with all our food from the freezer out in the snow bank...
  11. Thursday/Friday on the Euro looks like maybe a front end thump of snow up here then by the time the warmup happens (up to 39) we only get 0.25 inches of rain, so net out to nothing. I'll take that over an inch of rain and a pack wiper, hope it comes way south like the GFS.
  12. Hoping MDI picks up a few inches from this, thinking of taking the wife down with sleds and doing the park road on Sunday since it's open for sleds.
  13. Ah yeah that stinks, we're dealing with more plowed roads and trail closures every year as people build more camps, nothing they are even up here in the winter but still dont want sleds around. Unfortunate really.
  14. Nice thing about living on the trail, 50 miles before work this morning in an hour and a half. First 2 miles leaving the house is a little dry, but overall pretty decent going. Will probably start riding from the house now.
  15. Yeah last year was the only march/April snow that was useless, my average snowmobile end date is April 15th within 30 mins of my house, not doing big groomed trail routes, but a lot of 150-200 Mile logging road and lake days
  16. GYX and CAR disagreement it looks currently, if I get an inch I'll be surprised/happy, still have hopes for Monday instead but even that isn't that exciting
  17. I always feel bad for the SNE guys when it rains down there, but besides remote workers (myself included) and the couple mills that are left this area relies heavily on winter tourism which is primarily snowmobiling. Another year of poor registrations and I think you'll see more clubs start to fold as it's mostly volunteers that are aging out. Whenever dryslot or dendrite is happy usually we are too.
  18. Did the first pass out our Northern trail tonight and in town trails to the businesses. Still need another 6 inches to do the rest of the system but hopefully between Friday and Sunday we get there. Probably ride from the house Saturday instead of trucking em 25 miles north like we had been.
  19. 2.0" for the final here, hopefully will be firing up the groomer for the first pass out our Northern trail tomorrow, then we pray for the next two to help us get the rest opened. This is the latest first grooming run since my time as trail master the past 11 years, and my grandfather as trail master the 6 years before that.
  20. 1.5" of pure fluff here in Guilford, Maine and snowing steadily. Radar looks good down in dryslot and GYX area, not sure it'll make it up this way sliding due east, though looks like a nice band over YUL that hopefully doesn't get shredded by the time it gets here.
  21. Was hoping we were gonna see this keep sliding a little more north, but if we get 2 I'll be happy, might be able to get one trail groomed after that, just need something for the drag to process. Hoping by Monday we can collect 6-8 total and I can at least pan the rest of the system then.
  22. 29 and snowmobiling here, Bermuda shorts in SNE.
  23. We got stuck in one in the Gaspe snowmobiling back in the winter of 2018, legitimately couldn't see the trail in the woods where we were, had to stop for 20 mins and we got a few inches of snow in that time, absolutely insane and my camera couldn't do it justice.
  24. About 6 hours from the house, not too bad of a drive, just getting through Quebec City with a trailer can be a little interesting sometimes. Probably will take the wife to Riviere Du Loop for 3 days presidents day week, but that's still 5 hours. We live on the trail here, typically we ride from the house NYE through March 15th, but the past few years have been abnormally bad.
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