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Everything posted by jconsor

  1. Here are some additional papers discussing the recent increases in NE US precipitation: Association between recent U.S. northeast precipitation trends and Greenland blocking https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358350986_Association_between_Recent_US_Northeast_Precipitation_Trends_and_Greenland_Blocking Since the early 2000s, the northeastern region of the United States (USNE) has received increased total annual precipitation along with more frequent extreme precipitation events. Although previous work has discussed the contribution to increased extreme precipitation from tropical cyclones, the large‐scale driver(s) of summer precipitation increases in the extra‐tropics has received little attention. Here, we show that the summer‐season rainfall surpluses across the USNE are related to the increased frequency of atmospheric blocking over Greenland and the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation. The occurrence of these patterns in summer has been previously connected with southward shifted storm tracks and wet conditions across the eastern North Atlantic. Over the USNE, the circulation shifts are also related to enhanced rainfall due to southerly wind anomalies and increased moisture transport into and vertical motion over the region. It is important to note that the current generation of climate models used for future projections is unable to reproduce the observed tendency towards increased atmospheric blocking over Greenland. Thus, clarifying the association between Greenland blocking and recent precipitation changes across the USNE may help inform future climate projections of summer season rainfall for the region. Tropical Moisture Exports, Extreme Precipitation and Floods in Northeast US https://hess.copernicus.org/preprints/hess-2016-403/hess-2016-403.pdf A statistically and physically based framework is put forward that investigates the relationship between Tropical Moisture Exports (TME), and extreme Precipitation and floods in the Northeast United States (N.E. USA). TME correspond to the meridional transport of moist air masses, primarily born in tropical oceanic areas, to higher latitudes; contribute to the global climatology precipitation and its extremes; and are closely related to flood events, especially in the mid-latitudes. 15 The birth process and the steering of TME have seasonal and interannual variability. In this study, we explore how the TME are related to extreme precipitation and floods in the N.E. USA with a focus on seasonal variability and the potential impact of the El Niño Southern Oscillation. Links of TME to large floods events in N.E. USA in different seasons are first identified. The major moisture sources of the TME that contribute to precipitation extremes and floods in N.E. USA are then identified, together with 20 the seasonally and interannually varying characteristics in terms of both TME birth and entrance to the N.E. USA, and their subsequent contribution to extreme precipitation. We show that the extreme daily precipitation events are dominated by extreme TME entering the N.E. USA events in every season. Rise in Northeast US extreme precipitation caused by Atlantic variability and climate change https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221209472100044X#bib7 Extreme precipitation (EP) in the Northeastern United States increased abruptly after 1996, coinciding with warming Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs). We examine the importance of internal variability and external forcings (including anthropogenic and natural forcings) to these EP and SST increases by using the Community Earth System Model large ensembles and an optimal fingerprint method to isolate the effects of different forcings on 1929–2018 Northeast EP and North Atlantic SSTs. We find that external forcings have significantly influenced both Northeast EP and North Atlantic SSTs, with a time of detection in 2008 and 1968, respectively. Beyond SST changes attributable to internal variability of the Atlantic, anthropogenic aerosols and greenhouse gases are important drivers of SST changes, first detected in 1968 and 1983, respectively. Greenhouse gases are the only anthropogenic forcing exerting substantial influence on EP, first detected in 2008. We therefore attribute the 1996 EP shift to both unforced Atlantic variability and anthropogenic forcings.
  2. I understand Upton's reasoning (see their discussion here), that mixing with rain as well as sun angle/relatively warm surface temps will hold down accumulation. However, IMHO given that there is a fair amount of model guidance indicating moderate to heavy snowfall rates holding down sfc temps and allowing for heavier accumulation, it is irresponsible not to account for this potential in their high-end (90th percentile) snowfall forecast.
  3. It typically takes several weeks to feel the effects of a sudden stratospheric warming event on our weather. But in the case of vortex stretching/reflection events like the one expected to take place later this week into early next week, the effects are typically felt within a few days.
  4. Some important context on potential impacts of the brief, sharp stratospheric warming expected next week:
  5. Trends toward colder last few days of Feb into early Mar have gotten stronger.
  6. No Mar thread yet, so I am posting this here. Some encouraging signs for early to mid-March. Supported by MJO composites (note: I don't rely on MJO phase forecast charts, but instead use pattern recognition vs. MJO VP composites) and also analogs with strong SPV, +NAO, and La Nina.
  7. Regarding the long-range pattern (Jan 9-15 or so), looks like a classic phase 8 MJO composite across N. America but closer to a phase 1 composite across Euro-Atlantic sector.
  8. This event in Nov last year was a squall line with embedded microbursts (no confirmed tornadoes), but reflects the same pattern you mentioned: https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/weather/2020/11/20/a-history-of-late-season-tornadoes-in-new-york-city https://www.weather.gov/phi/EventReview20201115 Another one from late Oct 2019 with very widespread reports of severe wind gusts in the mid-Atlantic/NE along a squall line, along with several tornadoes: https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2019/11/01/halloween-storms-packed-punch-across-region/
  9. Interesting regarding the Long Island tornadoes yesterday (note the tweet incorrectly says CT instead of NY). The analogs and Enhanced Fujita scale probabilities are based on the radar signature. Note that only six of the 34 tornadoes observed on LI between 1950 and 2020 were F2, with no F3 ever observed. Before yesterday, there has never been a Nov tornado observed on LI dating back to 1950: See the following for historical tornado data/trends: https://bronx.news12.com/are-tornadoes-becoming-more-common-on-long-island-41004515 https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/stormevents/listevents.jsp?eventType=(C)+Tornado&beginDate_mm=01&beginDate_dd=01&beginDate_yyyy=1950&endDate_mm=12&endDate_dd=31&endDate_yyyy=2020&county=NASSAU%3A59&county=SUFFOLK%3A103&hailfilter=0.00&tornfilter=0&windfilter=000&sort=DT&submitbutton=Search&statefips=36%2CNEW+YORK
  11. Some context on how rare it would be if Wanda lasts as a tropical cyclone until Sun or Mon:
  12. I agree that the ECMWF is likely too amped and it will be tough to get significant precipitation as far west as the immediate NYC metro... however would not dismiss a high wind threat for E LI with ensembles trending toward more consolidated system with better phasing. Also, closely watching coastal flood threat for NJ shore and LI (astro. high tides peak 11/5-7 due to perigee as well as new moon). Of course, the larger risks for those threats are along the SE coast from N. FL to NC Outer Banks and in SE New England.
  13. Wanda has been quite a resilient, long-lasting system for so late in the year in the subtropics. Has a chance to strengthen into a strong TS or lower-end hurricane Sun-Mon if it gets pulled north by a strong trough and thus moves parallel to shear vector, as shown by several recent GFS and HWRF runs.
  14. The Mediterranean subtropical cyclone, named Apollo, was one of the longest lasting ones I can recall - almost 10 days. It also developed tropical characteristics for a time while it was close to Sicily and Malta:
  15. I think we will get at least one tropical-moisture influenced storm and/or hybrid in the northeast US between Nov 4 and 12. Signal on ensembles is moderate but growing for something subtropical/hybrid to form in the GOM or off SE Coast and move up the east coast between Nov 8 and 12. Also a signal for late-forming secondary low tracking from VA Capes to NE US to late on Nov 4 to Nov 6 with perhaps cold enough air for some snow in the interior.
  16. Thread on #94L which is gaining convection and will likely be named soon as a subtropical storm. It could briefly complete transition to tropical in the next day or two, before shear increases. Wouldn't rule out the possibility it becomes a strong STS or hurricane by mid next week as shear decreases again, but first it has to weather the rapid ramp-up in shear over the weekend.
  17. Outside chance for a brief tropical depression or low-end TS in the eastern Atlantic this weekend into early next week. Would likely be unprecedented per climo so late east of 40W (I couldn't find any TS+ in NHC best track back to late 1800s, but it doesn't include TDs). The fact that we even have a *potential* system to discuss in the eastern MDR so late is nothing short of remarkable. Likely the lingering Atlantic Nino is playing a role, with ITCZ tugged south of usual, allowing waves to stay over more favorable SSTs/upper level winds than is typical for this time of year.
  18. FYI I do not consider the 60-70 mph gusts reported at Baiting Hollow and Stony Brook out in central Suffolk County, LI to be representative. The Stony Brook site anemometer is ~70 feet above ground. I believe Baiting Hollow is on a ~75 foot bluff right on LI Sound. In my experience, both stations tend to run >25% higher than any nearby stations in past events. Compare current sustained winds at both sites to surrounding sites - generally 2x the land stations, even those right along the coast.
  19. In addition to the potential subtropical system evolving as the E coast storm shifts eastward into the central Atlantic, we have a tightly-wound low south of Italy that has subtropical characteristics. It already has produced devastating flooding in Sicily yesterday. Facing lots of shear now, but that should weaken Thu into this weekend when this system has a decent chance of becoming fully tropical. These "Medicane" systems appear to becoming more common vs. the 1970s to early 1990s, especially the more intense ones that produce hurricane force winds. Medicane Ianos in Sep 2019 dropped to 984 mb and reached peak intensity 100 mph (!) sustained winds in the coastal waters near sw Greece just before making landfall, according to a recent paper: https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/bams/aop/BAMS-D-20-0274.1/BAMS-D-20-0274.1.xml?tab_body=fulltext-display. Another weaker one in early in Oct 2019 tracked unusually far east through the Mediterranean and reached Israel and Egypt with gusty winds and heavy rainfall.
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