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Everything posted by Buddy1987

  1. GFS looks juicy @69! Incoming shellacking
  2. Holy sh*t at the Nam! @Blue_Ridge_Escarpment @BornAgain13 happy hour starting early today!
  3. Agreed. Icon for me as of right now gets full credit it’s been showing it for multiple runs.
  4. I absolutely love the enthusiasm in here but I just feel burned so many times I can’t really believe it until it gets much closer. I def agree with everyone that the big dogs are most def modeled further out than others. @BullCityWx @ILMRoss @burrel2 @eyewall if you guys want 30” and I can get a foot by all means let’s make a deal!
  5. One could say they don’t trust the GFS but then after what the euro just did this weekend it’s a complete crapshoot IMO. Idk what to think anymore with this model mayhem. Unless it’s within 4 days it’s not credible anymore.
  6. Didn’t see anyone talk about the 0z CMC for mid week storm next week. That looked like it had some serious juice and potential with it. Def a signal from most models in that time frame. I would fully expect that if we could sacrifice Sunday’s system for a doozy middle of next week everyone would be on board.
  7. Man! Come back in to reset my mind from present to future after today’s event and the Euro just plants a weenies dream. Anyone with Euro maps access think this scenario is beyond plausible and if so what it is keying on vs the gfs? Is there enough spacing with the cutter and then the possible storm day 7?
  8. Ended inbetween 5-6” a win in my book. Precip shut off faster than what models showed.
  9. Looks like this may be it back end right around the corner. Gonna have to hope for some wrap around or some type of influence from the coastal. Unlikely on the latter.
  10. Up over 5” now in Roanoke. Light to moderate snow still falling. Going to take daughter and dog for a walk here. Enjoy all!
  11. That sucks! You guys are gonna get yours sooner than later.
  12. Just assessing things here. Looked at nest camera from overnight. About 330 could see it start really coming down. Fast forward to real time eyeballing around 4”. Believe looking at radar things could have been a little more interesting had some of the echoes in NC come just a tad farther north but otherwise very pleased with first true storm in 3 years down this way. Temp 29.1
  13. Just woke up here. Looked on my nest camera to see what happened overnight. Could see the driveway start caving for good around 330ish. Eyeballing it out there have about 4” and counting. Very nice and scenic. Getting ready for first cup of coffee and will report back. 29.1 outside
  14. Yea temps really took a tumble after that snow. 28.6/27 here now. I wonder if skies do open up just a tick like blue ridge alluded to down his way and we can shave 1-2 degrees off this.
  15. @Blue_Ridge_Escarpment @BullCityWx you guys have any thoughts on the main batch of WAA as to how good lift will be for dendritic growth? Tonight’s pixie dust I’m assuming may be more related to ratios somewhat. Have you guys seen anything that will aid in enhancement of fgen or anything?
  16. I think for me personally with my overall thoughts and feelings on the storm. 5” and over I’m completely happy. Anything under 4” and I feel like the storm will have def underperformed up this way. That’s my baseline going into tomorrow mornings wake up.
  17. Back end back built some here. Driveway and roads caving. Easily over 1/2” now. Just took a Jebwalk around the block with my dog. Feels good to have a meaningful event rather than just a snow squall blow through.
  18. Just took a nice walk outside. Driveway and roads starting to cave now. Been a good while since we’ve had a meaningful storm.
  19. The band IMO kinda sucked due to virga. Ate up most of it as it traversed my area around ROA. Once we got into the yellows it started to rip some but the fatties were far and few. Almost like pixie dust/dandruff. My dew was low 20s prior to initiation so I can imagine with dews north of me even drier it’s gonna take little time. I was going to actually ask to see if someone can prog what the dendritic growth looks like for the main WAA. Will we have better lift to produce bigger snowflakes come morning?
  20. @kvegas-wx you win bro. Back end is coming down furiously. Streets don’t want to cave but concrete has. Based on dews im at 32.7/24 so after this I still have a couple degrees I can utilize for main batch. Any idea what time you think that starts to roll in?
  21. This is like snow globe dendrites lol. Combination of pixie dust and dandruff. Kind of thought I’d have some fatties with that bright yellow band.
  22. The band traversing up this way right now has underperformed severely. Complete virga and the back end is rocketing east/northeast. Glad to see some cashed in to my south and west.
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