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Everything posted by Buddy1987

  1. Freezing Rain totals on 12Z Nam nothing to joke about from 81 down toward the Escarpment.
  2. 18z EURO concurs as well, at least SW VA 81 corridor at minimum.
  3. There are no words to describe the 18z GFS/GEFS hahaha.
  4. Need Jebman to give his analysis and break down the play by play on his walk for that one
  5. I honestly kinda thought University of Wyoming would have something. Only thing I could really find was a Washington Post article that has a lot of similarities between 1983 and then the 2013 setup. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2013/12/06/current-pattern-draws-comparisons-to-that-from-historically-cold-December-1983/
  6. Really been keying in on that for at least several runs. One hell of a HP as well. TT only goes out to 240 for Euro. Did it show the 23rd as well?
  7. That was one thing that caught my eye as well was the confluence up top while the LP was still down in Deep South. Hoping that’s a trend at this point. F*ck it gimme the ice storm at this point.
  8. Another run of big changes at H5 hr 102 on GFS.
  9. Appreciate that. Looking at the Canadian be lights out along the 81 corridor if it came to fruition (showing 1/2” plus) Between this and Euro not looking good!
  10. I’m trying to find an ice accumulation map and I felt like the Tropical Tidbits products used to have it under each model run but now it’s not there anymore.
  11. Anyone have an ice accumulation map? I could’ve swore CMC at minimum used to have that product available on TT but I don’t see it anywhere. Not looking great down here with ice storm potential.
  12. One OP run brother. 18z at that too. Let’s see what 0z suite brings us.
  13. My first post since last year, which feels kinda weird. Took a pretty long break. Nice to see the threat pop up within 7 days basically. Not some fantasyland 384hr threat. Interesting to see what the models start to possibly sniff out as we close in.
  14. 3-6” of rain forecasted here and winds to 55mph on ridge tops. Not too shabby.
  15. I stayed there as recent as this past Memorial Day weekend in May. Pretty out in the boonies but def some very nice houses around the area. Port Charlotte the most built up. Gonna be sad to see some of the pics most likely coming out of there.
  16. That’s actually a really good point. The “PRE” is no joke when it verifies WNC/SVA
  17. Rap and the derpy derp look super interesting up this way. Any further southeast and you could be in for a pleasant surprise.
  18. Boy I sure would love for that to be right but it always tends to overdo literally everything so there’s that as well.
  19. Yea trends this afternoon for Sat system have def become interesting to say the least. Euro looked great.
  20. Yea southern/central into northern va getting nuked at 138. S/w looked healthier starting at 126.
  21. Pouring snow down now but temp still 34. Gorgeous at the minimum.
  22. Congrats on the snow there! This is one of those “snow tv” type of days here. Nothing really sticking but it is really pretty outside. Larger dendrites starting to fall as that last band starts to push in from Blacksburg. Curious if Disc got anything out his way
  23. The band that’s formed down this way just west of the blue ridge looks like it means business. Been watching that thing for a good 30 min and it has continued to strengthen. Pearisburg is getting the goods. Hoping this continues to march this way. Congrats to everyone north of here cashing in. @psuhoffmanand @nj2vakeep em comin
  24. Very nice band starting to take shape just off to my west. Will be thee opportunity if there’s going to be one. Been watching it for about 30 min and it continues to strengthen. Temp has been going down nicely. 37/28
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