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Everything posted by Buddy1987

  1. Moderate snow and 26. Everything starting to cave rather quickly.
  2. @Bob ChillGFS is SOLID for us! Believable tho?
  3. Damn.. I was trying to will it up that way.. even down here anything close to 3” would be a huge win.. expectations are 1”
  4. There’s radar hallucinations and then there’s NAM hallucinations. NAM looks like it’s trying to juice up at 26 on the northwest side of the storm.
  5. Anyone have an 18z Euro snow map?
  6. In contrast the FV3 and RGEM look like hot trash..
  7. I thought the NAM and Icon were rather improved for our specific areas at 12z. Putting those two names into a sentence just feels gross.
  8. @ravensrule I think the key to all of this is converting @clskinsfanover from the dark side. Usually when he’s pumped or feeling it good things happen!
  9. Shit… 12z runs were Dallas vs Buffalo in the 92 Super Bowl in comparison
  10. Has sampling been done or will that be for 0z runs with system onshore?
  11. Damn.. you look to be in the best position for our area. I worry seeing those lower totals directly to my southwest.
  12. How does the WAA look for southern VA area? I don’t have paid access.
  13. Now THIS is believable. I feel like confluence always tends to weaken closer to game time.
  14. Lol NAM just refuses to budge on the amped version of this storm.
  15. The way the last 24 hours has gone I’d take that in a heartbeat and run!
  16. I reread every post from last night. Epic posts were had. Some of the highlights included clskinsfan going full meltdown mode, my fav post of all talking about how a goose in Kansas farting would change the track on the gfs and then Randy just coming out of a dark alleyway at 4am ish asking what he missed! Weather will drive you absolutely bananas but sometimes the posts in here are pure comedy.
  17. I need the positive Bob Chill from yesterday, who pushed his chips all in on 3-6” bare minimum.
  18. I feel like after what I just witnessed it’s hard not to buy into JI’s theory about the least snowiest model always being the one that ends up correct. Pretty wild.
  19. Weenie handbook page #247.. storm disappears 96hrs out only to come back stronger than before and reel us all back in.
  20. The way this thing is going the @Solution Mansign here for 5” I’d do right now. WAA still looks good down this way in the interim, but it ain’t the 12-18” that once was a thing.
  21. What an F’n sick joke this crap is…
  22. I feel like with the low getting going a little later off the coast “damage” will be done already with the wall of moisture that will traverse over us. Anything additional from the coastal is gravy.
  23. Surface LP good bit northwest of GFS and Euro at end of its run. Looks good.
  24. @psuhoffman I feel like this specific storm feels overly convoluted. If I’m understanding correctly does the kicker not affect the WAA as much for areas in the southern forum, thus not having to rely on the coastal blowing up or am I misinterpreting this?
  25. I actually thought the same thing. Either convective feedback along the gulf coast or it truly is robbing advection of moisture.
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