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About goodwidp

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Timonium, MD

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  1. I stopped turning my Xmas lights on a week or so ago but left them up in hopes we'd get some snow. I am officially pleased with that decision.
  2. Light snow in Timonium, MD (central Baltimore county). Slight, but noticeable, uptick in intensity in past 20-30 minutes or so.
  3. Light snow just started around 3am in central Baltimore County (Timonium)
  4. Here's the absurd point-and-click forecast for Mt. Baker, WA for us snow-deprived Baltimore/DC folks to drool over. 111-145" with 75 mph gusts through Thursday. https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lon=-121.81434631347658&lat=48.772185661901574
  5. Whoa. Heavy snow & sleet now. It's kinda crazy how loud the pinging is on my skylights.
  6. Finally getting some decent snow rates/fat flakes, though still mixing with some IP.
  7. Snow starting to mix back in again.
  8. Ha. Well, that didn't last long. Back to pretty much all sleet after a few minutes of some light snow mixing in.
  9. Trying hard to flip to SN here, but still seems to be a ~70/30 split in favor of IP.
  10. Flakes finally starting to mix back in with IP.
  11. Buddy of mine from just NW of RVA sent me this. Eerily beautiful.
  12. Steady, but very light, freezing drizzle for past few hours in N. central Baltimore county. Just a very thin glaze, though paved surfaces seem pretty slick.
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