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About goodwidp

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Timonium, MD

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  1. Forecast map from CWG: https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2025/01/18/dc-snow-cold-forecast/
  2. Sterling's latest maps (as of 9:16 pm): https://www.weather.gov/lwx/winter Expected: High end:
  3. I stopped turning my Xmas lights on a week or so ago but left them up in hopes we'd get some snow. I am officially pleased with that decision.
  4. Light snow in Timonium, MD (central Baltimore county). Slight, but noticeable, uptick in intensity in past 20-30 minutes or so.
  5. Light snow just started around 3am in central Baltimore County (Timonium)
  6. Here's the absurd point-and-click forecast for Mt. Baker, WA for us snow-deprived Baltimore/DC folks to drool over. 111-145" with 75 mph gusts through Thursday. https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lon=-121.81434631347658&lat=48.772185661901574
  7. Whoa. Heavy snow & sleet now. It's kinda crazy how loud the pinging is on my skylights.
  8. Finally getting some decent snow rates/fat flakes, though still mixing with some IP.
  9. Snow starting to mix back in again.
  10. Ha. Well, that didn't last long. Back to pretty much all sleet after a few minutes of some light snow mixing in.
  11. Trying hard to flip to SN here, but still seems to be a ~70/30 split in favor of IP.
  12. Flakes finally starting to mix back in with IP.
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