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About Berlin1926

  • Birthday 03/15/1965

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    South Roxboro

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  1. I gotta say, I'm flummoxed. I thought the other day that this was going to vanish but by last night I was ready to say that I was totally wrong. And, then, poof, it was gone. We all have seen storms disappear but this close to the starting gate...? If indeed nothing happens, it would be a first for me.
  2. I hope i'm wrong but everyone may get a whole lot of nuttin'. 2 days out and models still all over the place. I see a lot of wishcasting. Again, I hope I'M WRONG but there's a tiny window for Southern snow/ice etc., and this isn't it.
  3. I know it's painful, but Raleigh also has lower chances. Wishcasting won't make it so. PS Holly Springs isn't Raleigh.
  4. Raleigh has dropped the chances for snow/winter wx from 70% to 60%
  5. 30 - 50%? That's pitiful. Could the models be so inconsistent this close to a potential event because there's actually no event to occur?
  6. Not that it's worth anything but I still think there will be no "big" event (anything less than 4" of snow; .25" of ZR isn't a "big deal"). MBY Thursday night rain, sure but Friday - Saturday could very much be a bust, nada, no-show for all. I hope I'm wrong.
  7. Unfortunately, it could be nothing as well...? I.e. no storm, just cold?
  8. 32F here in Durham -- was up in Oxford about 30 minutes northeast up I-85 about an hour ago....snowing there and 30F. Roads in my neighborhood near downtown Durham are covered in thick sleet and freezing rain.
  9. It doesn't meet Warning criteria anywhere right of Winston. Just saw your post Olaf... That's what I was wondering. Now, THAT makes sense. The totals they are showing doesn't = qpf being advertised. Your explanation clarifies. Thank you!
  10. So, RAH is basically saying most of what falls will be unfrozen and will fall when temps are over 32F pretty much from Greensboro east. 1 - 3" pf snow and .10" of ice? Nothing to see here.
  11. Thanks all for responses.. I suppose whenever RAH issues a W S WATCH more than 24 hours before an event, they are taking it seriously. Was down in Durham today, not a word...meanwhile, Person County up near Roxboro already looks like a war zone. Looks like Durhamites are in for a surprise/shock. PS what is criteria for an Ice Storm Warning? .25?
  12. Wait. What? .10" causes power outages, right? .75 to 1.5" would be....bad?
  13. Thunder in Person County tonight. Summer-like downpour. Side note, it's 20F in Caribou, Maine and 4F in Dallas, Texas tonight.
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