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About MarvelMountain

  • Birthday 06/07/1948

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Northwest Rutherford Mountains, NC
  • Interests
    Photography, golf, hiking, journaling, piano, Frisbee, and Rollerblading.

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  1. Snowing heavily, large clustered flakes. 25 degrees. Loving it...
  2. Wind still howling... 10 minutes of sleet. Down to 20 degrees. Snow has not returned... https://youtu.be/PJ9N6eiwrww
  3. 30 to 40 mph winds. Still 21 degrees. Snow stopped at 10:15. Looked like a blizzard outside. 10" already
  4. Started at 3 a.m. Very fine "sugar" snow. 25 degrees. Only two inches so far, but more is on the way I'm sure.
  5. 26 here in NW mountains. Should have some amazing pics from this one...
  6. Five Minute Snow Video... https://youtu.be/luiUksnwnPk
  7. Almost 3" here north of Lake Lure. Just enough to be beautiful.
  8. This was yesterday in far eastern Buncombe County above 1,700 feet... along Cedar Creek Road south of Old Fort. https://youtu.be/1RB-uHus_bg
  9. All snow in Marion and 32 degrees. Sticking on trees and cars. Been that way since 1:30. Driving south of I-40, all snow until rain snow mix ten miles north of Lake Lure. 32 degrees here in Northwest Rutherford Mountains. Hoping for changeover to all snow soon.
  10. Two hours, one inch. Loved it just the same...
  11. Snowing steadily here north of Lake Lure. Beginning to stick on the deck. 33 degrees. Hooray
  12. Amazing what one inch of snow can do... This was at 5 p.m. with a 33 degree temperature. Check out this short video...
  13. Began here north of Lake Lure over an hour ago. Very large flakes. Beginning to accumulate on trees and ground. 33 degrees, maybe lower. Finally.........................
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