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Everything posted by MAIDEsNow

  1. Hello all, Nice start for the season. Only about 5" here in Edinboro PA, but was at the cabin all day at the PA/NY border at the start of the Chautauqua Ridge. About 11" out there I would say. Was heaviest overnight, woke up to about 8", then another 3 or so thru the day and early tonight. Meanwhile, the clowns at ERI are at it again right off the bat regarding snowfall measurements. At the 5:00pm report, indicated 13.2" for the day: http://w2.weather.gov/climate/getclimate.php?wfo=cle Not a freaking chance. I left the cabin about 6:30, drove up to and along the lake shore out to the from east Erie out to the airport. I would say there was maybe 5" otg? My friend said no more than 8" when it pretty much stopped by 2:00 pm and he cleared his driveway (about 3/4 of a mile from the airport). With settling/compacting, the 5 or 6 on the ground seems right. So once again, the airport is off by a staggering 38% or so.
  2. 3" yesterday at the house. Went to cabin after work, about 6" out there.
  3. 1.3" overnight. Snowing moderately at the moment, small flake size. As of this mornings measurement, puts me the exact seasonal total from last year, 154.8. Should move past that soon. Never would have guessed that at the end of Feb.
  4. Thanks so much. Going to track snow in both spots (best I can as it's about 35 mile drive from my Edinboro home) next couple / three years til we build and move there permanently. I'm sure for most LES events and our occasional synoptic storm I'll stay up there. Most likely will put webcam at the cabin property as well.
  5. Thanks so much. Really excited, little kid on Christmas level.
  6. Sale Pending! Upper thigh depth, just in front of cabin, about 300' back in off road Buried Picnic Table and benches 2 feet on back covered porch Four Foot drift along side of cabin - structure it is built on short stilts.
  7. Yep, great spot. Snow Capital of Erie county. Will use the cabin for recreation place next several years, then build our forever home. South Ripley gets jack-hammered as well - being about half way between Ripley and Findley Lake, gets hit even with a wnw wind, especially if you are down toward County Touring Rte 6 road. Awesome area in general.
  8. 5" today, 3.5" last night, and 1.5" yesterday - event total of 10". This March is now the second snowiest at a tidy 37.0" and only 2.6" needed to have my best March ever. Making this winter much better now than my opinion of it at the end of February. About 17" otg, best all winter. Speaking of deep snow, I went out to the property I am buying right along the PA/NY state line by Peak N Peek and The Wilderness Lodge resorts, 1765' elevation. Realtor let me put up the Sale Pending sign. I walked back to the cabin, snow was from over my knees to just below my waist. Incredible depth out there! Got some pictures that I may put up later. When I walked the property after the big thaw late Feb, it was pretty much down to grass, mud, a little snow here & there. Just an insane amount of snow they have received in the first two weeks of March for that current snow-depth. I'm certain though that it can't touch the Airport snowfall...
  9. Thurs / Fri total of 10" + the 6" surprise from Weds. AM = total for week of 16". March total of 27", about 16" on the ground. By comparison, and this is the last time I will flog this equestrian beast, Airport said 4.8" yesterday (no way, maybe 2" at most), 31" for March (not a chance, I have gotten WAY more this month imby). I mean seriously, that 31" is about double of what I think has fallen this month at my work place just down the road. Finally, they report an "incredible" snow depth on the ground of just 6.5" - the lowest in the County from the spotters who reported last night. Their seasonal total of 187.5" is ridiculous. BuffaloWeather, unless you use one that I am unaware of, we really do not have a good radar for snow in NW PA. Our only local doppler from Jet 24TV has been down all winter, so they have been using a composite radar on their site. The composite images from Buf & Clev don't reach us so most of the time, especially with LES, so it looks like a snowhole over the whole county. I just use webcams to check out where it is snowing in our area: One at my work, on the top of the main lift hill of our roller coaster, Ravine Flyer Cam most often is pointed out showing the Peninsula - link is down now because we are getting an upgrade. Other webcams for Erie County are also on JET TV24 website with their SkyCam Network: http://www.yourerie.com/skycam. Has cameras from the Bayfront all the way down to Meadville.
  10. I am glad you guys are getting good snows, awesome and nice pics! Getting my fair share here, about 8" total from yesterday and overnight til this morning. University weather cam continues to show some snow. However, that is not my point of this post... In the grand scheme of things it is not all that important, but since my co-workers just laugh at me and my passion for snow, I am going to share with you fine folks. The Erie Airport snowfall recording is completely, totally, & hysterically inaccurate. I don't know how to illustrate it otherwise, so below is the screen shot of CLE Snow Reports from last night. Unless it is a typo, that top spot in Erie County at the Erie Airport of 6.1" is absurd. My employment is just down the road from there - it did not snow at all yesterday, some flurries from time to time and often partly cloudy. The idea that 6" of snow fell in the 12 hour window of 9am til 9pm on 3/8 is crazy. Heck, even thru this morning as of 9am - a 24 hour window - the total snow is about 2" max here where I work. I just further cements in my mind that the snowfall record for Erie this winter in nowhere near the number of inches listed.
  11. Good call OHweather from your post about a day ago...Winter Storm Warning just hoisted for some inland locations for this afternoon into tomorrow afternoon.
  12. 3.6" of mostly fluff since last night. Easier to move and clear than yesterdays for sure. 17.0" for March thus far.
  13. Thanks! Was quite taken aback at the amount upon opening the garage. Another note regarding this snowfall - the snowbelt actually got an appreciable amount, while the lakeshore only had an inch or two. About the first time this winter for that dynamic...finally some normalcy.
  14. This mornings surprise most likely the best snowfall of the winter. 6" from about 4 til 7am, so 3 hours with 2" per hour rates. No wind, nice flake size, simple to measure, and very pretty out there. This snow is only about 1.5" less from yet another underperforming "storm" last Thursday night. I will gladly take it.
  15. Umm, wow. Warning for 12-16" in Erie Co. Hope so...a solid synoptic event area wide in the works, we shall see. If we push north of a foot, winter grade may reach a C-
  16. Hope this plays out. I expect heavier totals will be just north of me, as with the entirety of this winter. This event may be one of, if not the, last chance to move this winter grade from a solid F into D territory. Second lowest snowfall total in my 15 years living here - just barely above the terrible winter of 2011-2012, with every month well below average (save December). Of course the real kicker is the "fact" that 10-14 miles to my north has received "record winter snowfall". The idea that the Erie Airport received 100" of snow in the month of December (they sit at 156" for the season) is about as likely as me dunking a basketball - at 5'5", ain't that likely. The constant complaining or bragging of how "harsh" this winter has been for Erie...makes it even more insufferable. Perhaps this can be reverse psychology to the weather gods, and I get hammered with snow March into early April. Thank you for allowing the cathartic rant.
  17. The underachieving continues... 1 whole inch today. Moreover, some decent returns over my house pretty much the entire afternoon including now, yet nary a flake.
  18. 4.0" from the little event today. Slowly creeping upward for the season, but I certainly am missing any bigger snowfalls thus far. This winter is totally lacking in that department imby, relative to what I have experienced the other 14 winters living here.
  19. 3.0" here overnight - cracked the 100" mark for the season. Should tack-on some more thru the rest of the week, adding to the nice little winter look & feel.
  20. Only 0.2" overnight. October, November, and January each ended up below average in snowfall. December was above, but obviously nothing like other parts Erie County (even though ERI December reported totals were much higher than what actually fell imo). Overall, only 10" below where I am typically at and the end of January, but seems like alot more "wouldofs and couldofs" than usual. A winter of disappointment and underachievers imby.
  21. Indeed a surprise...a "glaze" and "1/4 inch" of ice are not synonymous imo. Went to the top of our big coaster about 2 hours ago. A far as I could see, not a lick of ice, save for a little along the shore. Maybe some lake enhancement will be in play. Looking west: Looking east
  22. 1.5" overnight as of 7am (thought it was going to be more glancing out window couple times during night). Nice tidy 10.0" event total thus far. Not snowing as of now.
  23. 4.8" today thru my 11pm measurement tonight = 8.5" event total thus far. Snowing nicely now, although quite windy with poor flake size.
  24. 3.7" of fluff overnight as of my 7am measurement. Snowing at a good clip now, nice flake size. We shall see how the next couple of days pan out.
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