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Everything posted by wx2fish

  1. Little cell popped just east and dropped a quick .3" here, 79/78 with the sun coming out. Let's see if I can get an 80 dew on the Davis
  2. Kinda meh locally. Lots or cirrus, only managed 86 on my home station
  3. Had a quick downpour, now sun. Dew up to 78 on the Davis. We wipe
  4. My davis gets quite a bit of sun and my highs are still almost always colder than ash/mht
  5. I'd second any of those SNH stops as well. All close to where I live. Schilling is close to where your headed, so I figured I'd mention it. It's one of my favorite to stop at if I'm headed up to northern NH
  6. Depends on the route your taking but Schilling in Littleton, NH is worth a stop
  7. I'm at 3.6" since June 1. I'm not too far away, although with storms Im sure theres alot of local variance. I had over an inch in one storm in late june which gave things a boost.
  8. Curious to see what the temp is when I'm up there tomorrow. Last week + rain dropped the temp on the small lake near me back into the mid- upper 70s. That dry period really allowed the sfc Ts to torch
  9. Bass fishing has been good the past couple weeks. Post spawn, but still alot of fish fairly shallow. Ive managed to boat a couple largemouth over 5lb, biggest was right at 6lb
  10. Euro is a torch Sat. Much different look than the gfs
  11. Looks like chaff from a military training exercise
  12. Sat could be a sneaky downslope dandy if the front clears in the morning. Euro has lingering 850s around 10-12C and west flow
  13. 90F at the First CT Lake. That's some high end heat for them
  14. It looks warm everywhere, but initially on Tues/wed it has an over the top look with the warmest 850s across NNE
  15. Cloudless but dropping, down to 59F with gusty E wind
  16. Couple nice ones. The stretch of the Nashua River behind stellos has surprisingly good fishing too. I've caught a couple in the 5-6lb range in there.
  17. The lake by my house is small, only about 350 acres, max depth about 60ft. Temp is only mid 50s, but still a few smallmouth moving up. Simlar to what youve seen at the Quabbin, the bigger lakes Ive fished up in the lakes region winni,newfound, ext seem to average late may through June for the smallmouth spawn
  18. The bass spawn is definetely behind schedule locally. There were a few smallies on beds today at my local lake, but it's just starting. I've seen them on beds there in late April during warmer springs. I also saw plenty of largemouth cruising up shallow after a couple warmer days.
  19. Big differences in small elevation changes around here. Here's a pic from near Warner Hill in Derry.
  20. Saw pics of 2-4" up in Pittsburg too this morning
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