Fished Newfound yesterday. Water in the 39-42F range. Still managed about a dozen smallies on the jerkbait in 6-12ft. Really good quality though with 6 between 3 1/2 and 4lb.
12z rpm hooks the low around the Cape and eventually into the south shore. Gets interesting right into Boston for a couple hours. Pretty large spread this morning with the track of the low.
I've seen a few mosquitos over the past 2 days...36 hours after low of 24F. Peepers are also out in full force tonight. Looking like an early end to the maple season, atleast in S NH.
Stopped by the lake today not expecting to see much yet, but saw several bass up enjoying the sun in less than a foot of water. Caught one about 2 3/4. Certainly off to an early start this year.