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Everything posted by wx2fish

  1. Gonna go with 13". It was fairly consistent in my flat sheltered yard. Already compacted over an inch since last night.
  2. It's been especially bad since he moved there. This area can do well, but it hasn't been a good run. The biggies in 2018, 2015, and 2013 were all great for ASH/Methuen. It's just been a real bad stretch, no denying it. I think just north of us got the real hose in this one. Coworker in Hooksett said he only got 5".
  3. Time to sneak into to the neighbors sheltered yard to find out.
  4. Yeah I feel like this is almost cheating but I'll take it. Always have to put out the friends and family forecast and was resigned to somewhat of a bust, but not anymore haha
  5. Actually undersold that a bit. More like 11-12" after measuring. Really has been pounding.
  6. It's a good thing he's sleeping. Though I am pounding on the eastern edge. Up to 10-11"
  7. 9.8". +SN. Piling up the fluff the paste 1-2 hours after hours of sand.
  8. I did one pass and it's got some meat to it. Best rates of the day now though
  9. Snowgrowth much improved here. Finally sneaking into some better banding.
  10. The vis has been super low all morning, just pounding absolute sand. If you had a string of obs you'd guess we had atleast 2x the total. I have about 6"
  11. Band definitely has some west drift now, may not make it, but I'd stay awake for a little while longer just in case haha
  12. Been reminding me of a swfe so far, maybe a little better, but not much.
  13. I do think that will help snowgrowth up this way once things evolve this afternoon. Pretty poor now
  14. Same here. It's snowing hard, but snowgrowth isn't great. I think we'll dance in decent echoes, but probably stay out of the meat of it.
  15. Gonna depend on how west we can get this banding. Could be a pretty sharp drop-off somewhere around here.
  16. I was commenting on the pattern beyond that, but there's definitely uncertainty next week.
  17. Complete fail of some of those torch weekly runs if the ensembles are right.
  18. They'll be better than 10:1 but I'm not sure we'll crazy ratios given the wind. Maybe under a mid-level band inland. Purely a guess, but I was thinking 12-14:1 on average. Soundings are good though, so well see.
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