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About totsata

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  • Location:
    Buffalo Grove, IL

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  1. Lincolnwood to Evanston and North side is in the thick of it with lots of rotation. Hopefully ALEK (and everyone in the area) has hunkered down somewhere safe.
  2. Rumbles of thunder as snow is starting to pick up a bit on the border of lake and cook counties.
  3. Lake county added to the WWA. Calling for 1 to 5 inches with the caveat: ...A heavy snow band is expected near, or just north of, the Wisconsin state line. If this band shifts south, more significant impacts would result.
  4. Lights flickering now. Just east of the tornado in Palatine.
  5. Tornado sirens going off in Buffalo Grove
  6. The drizzle in the past hour temporarily switched to fat flakes under one of the ‘newer’ radar returns that filled in across N. Cook county. A lot of drip-drip ongoing. Still hoping for a few more surprise inches in the region despite latest short term models and guidance.
  7. Also lost power for a few minutes in Buffalo Grove. Power is back on now. Wind is howling….power is flickering again.
  8. Big fatties coming down around 6:30 am in Buffalo Grove this morning
  9. Just a beautiful pleasant summer evening.
  10. A nice overachiever tonight in Buffalo Grove.
  11. You are correct, I should have said incorrect positivity rates rather than positive tests. To me it is still rather alarming to see that many labs with such high positivity rates and then have them admit that instead of 98% it should have been 9.8% positivity rate. There should be better checks in place to test the validity of the results before making them public.
  12. Surprised nobody has mentioned yet the potential few hundred/thousand? of incorrect positive tests in FL. Wonder how long has this been going on for and is it happening anywhere else? https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/fox-35-investigates-florida-department-of-health-says-some-labs-have-not-reported-negative-covid-19-results
  13. Took a walk around the neighborhood this afternoon (route 14 and River Rd for those familiar with the Des Plaines area). Remarkably River Rd. is still open, mainly thanks to the higher floodwall that was raised last year. Sharing a few more pics in the link below. Had to compress the attached ones due to size limitations, but the link has a couple from yesterday as well. I can remove link if it is against any of the forum rules. https://photos.app.goo.gl/4aK73Wqgv8136xK37
  14. Good post! Still a lot of uncertainty/questions surrounding the virus, which I am not sure we will ever know the answers to. In my opinion, a vaccine might cause more harm than good, since I think the virus will continue to mutate making it very difficult to protect against. Especially if they make the vaccine mandatory for all. It may be more effective to be more careful than many have been with hygiene and instead ensure that our immune system is as strong as we can maintain it. I think there is some validity to Jonger's post. We don't know if all of the reported covid deaths are because they tested positive for the virus irrespective of severity of other underlying conditions or deaths purely due to covid. We don't know if the same treatment is applied for annual flu-related deaths as is for covid. I am always cautious with sensitive data which can easily be "tweaked" to tell a slightly different story. Just my way of interpreting his post. Not downplaying this virus by any means, and I really feel for anyone that has been impacted by it. Unfortunately, in my opinion the ultimate goal was to bring the economy (US and most of the world) down irrespective of how many innocent lives are lost in the process.
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