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About AvantHiatus

  • Birthday December 21

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    Cape May, NJ

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  1. Enormous mounds of methane found under the Arctic sea: Underwater pingos may reveal 'worrying' clues about climate change http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3325230/Enormous-mounds-methane-Arctic-sea-Underwater-pingos-reveal-clues-climate-change.html
  2. Collapsing Greenland glacier could raise sea levels by half a metre, say scientists http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/nov/12/collapsing-greenland-glacier-could-raise-sea-levels-by-half-a-metre-say-scientists?CMP=twt_a-science_b-gdnscience?CMP=twt_a-science_b-gdnscience
  3. Not methane but this is not good. Carbon feedbacks on hyperdrive in a human hothouse.
  4. Talk of a record calving event on Jacobsen recently. Would like to know more, obviously there is more than meets the eye in regards to the 2015 melt season.
  5. Yeah but you still get about 25% of the annual GHG forcing in a year. This is significant when so much CO2 is being released into the atmosphere. We will truely be living in a fossil fuel bubble soon if we don't start the 6% emissions reduction per year. Of course anyone older than 50 won't see deep extinction level effects and human cost to society.
  6. I don't consider 15 years an abrupt timeframe but it's close. That's why Jim Hansen outlined our predicament and the dire need to reduce emissions now before the inertia kicks in from 20 more years of BAU emissions later on down the road.
  7. If we stopped emitting now, it might take 35 years instead of 15 to melt the ice out 100%. Yeah, that's a huge difference from the human perspective. We are very close to tipping points already so every +1 ppm of CO2 causes forcings greater than the original input.
  8. More BS from blizzard. Hansen has clearly documented how 60% of the CO2 forcing requires 50 years to contribute to the radiative budget. The window for ice growth exists roughly until 2016-2020. We are already at fatal GHG levels for Arctic survival but yet we keep pumping out more CO2. Arctic collapse will happen within 15 years without strong emissions reduction.
  9. http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/09/16/jason_box_s_research_into_greenland_s_dark_snow_raises_more_concerns_about.html Slate Exclusive: Why Greenland’s “Dark Snow” Should Worry You
  10. It's already happening and we still have this. The albedo got wrecked so hard by soot and melt.
  11. Impressive considering the prevailing 500mb. How many of the 90s were in May?
  12. It is our old friend, Paul Beckwith.
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