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About baldereagle

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    bishops head maryland

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  1. Some posters could benefit from a visit with their “pediatrician” to reduce their unusual symptoms.
  2. When you grow up on the Eastern Shore, bugs are unpleasant at times and just a fact of life. Having said that, I fully endorse your harshest mitigation strategies. I also want ( most of) you to know I truly appreciate what you and other knowledgeable people freely give to all of us. It is fascinating and educational. I am learning much from the contributors here. I spend a lot of time outdoors and I look pretty much to this forum on a regular basis for guidance… That’s definitely has to qualify as some kind of disorder, though, I have learned from reading….. Cheers for spring, or whatever happens next.
  3. “I am in effect a pauper living in a cultural backwater, intimately acquainted with ramen noodles and such.” Eloquently stated, sir.
  4. In this winter?! Is that necessary?
  5. It’s the wave after the stage-setting waves that began 1000 pages ago…
  6. I was simply making an observation you decided was unnecessary. No one's opinion here is necessary. I said nothing about you or PSU. I said nothing disrespectful. I don't care whether you "understand" what I'm talking about. No worries, moderator. You've successfully made my point for me, for discerning readers.
  7. That's indisputably true; I was making an attempt at humor in the downtrodden depressed, discussion of failure, the bitter bickering and backbiting. The understandable exasperation of some who make great contributions/observations to the seamy underbelly of the society of the board. Humorous to me, anyway, as on any given day, the entire catalog of human behavior is to be found within these pages. Are some people here intolerant/snobby? Maybe, maybe not. It's a great place to come learn/join the unsanity. Just don't make any unnecessary remarks. Unless you're necessary. I'm certainly not. Necessary.
  8. Oh my, someone used an insult!? But we’re all allowed to use the term “fuck.” Moderate moderation by the moderator is seemingly most moderate when the commenter is a member who is held in higher favor. Egotism here in this forum runs pretty high, becomes even more palpable in lean times. The moderator indicates that no one but certain people have actual standing to be creative or provide opinions. Bunch of bs. The favorite-playing and snark…not just because it hasn’t/won’t snow. And the moderator will either delete my opinion or, along with others, retort harshly to publicly shame the person deemed offending the “order”. That was refreshing! Have a nice warm day!
  9. I got my .2 here in the lowlands before Groundhog Day. What’s the problem? Oh that’s right, it’ll never snow around here again because, well, uh, you know, because of…….. *censored*
  10. You are a quality poster. Maryland is a trash state. Okay, thanks for letting us know.
  11. 34, 17 observed flakes in Chestertown this morning.
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