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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. It's Dec 30th and practically on the eve of the new year but it has all the look and feel of a day in mid april..
  2. Certainly headed in that direction unless there is a significant pattern change....
  3. ..so it's a shit argument to say that an area that currently has had normal snowfall to date is likely going to be below normal snowfall for the season 10 days from now?????.....
  4. Some people here would be perfectly fine with you morphing into the equivalent of someone who touts penny stocks as the road to being wealthy..
  5. ..the coming meltdowns are going to be epic!
  6. Areas that currently have normal to AN snowfall for the season are going to be BN once the next 10 day period comes to an end.
  7. Can't the same be said for those who pounce on any sign of "success"??....as in the"pattern looks great in 10-14 days"
  8. if Winter was like golf we'd be doing great because it is going to be another under par month for snowfall...
  9. ..that is what is known in the betting world as an "all in " bet..
  10. 1 inch in the Winter Wonderland known as Methuen.....up to 1 1/2 inches on the season!!
  11. That was the case in Londonderry and Derry with the storm last March.
  12. ..and that doesn't require going to a gym. All it takes takes it are weights/exercise bands and an exercise bike at home. Walking and running outside are free. And a fitness monitor such as a Fitbit is a must.
  13. If you are ever in Boston or need to consult with another vascular surgeon, this is the guy! https://doctor.webmd.com/doctor/david-campbell-11418e76-aa96-4b12-81ec-c69f26bfa5c2-overview Extremely skilled. People travel from all over the world to see him. He does offer telehealth appointments.
  14. That has been the story for a number of years. The "Montreal Express" rarely makes an appearance.
  15. Take a look at Boston's December snowfall totals over the last decade..
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