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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. That departure from normal is more than the Patriots averaged per game during the 2023 season lol...
  2. I recall that day. We were playing in an end of the season basketball tournament. Our game was in the evening. A few of the players hair was wet, by the time we got to the bus their hair had frozen...
  3. I think the Super El Nino of 15/16 was a tipping point...
  4. Uhmm you said the same for this storm...
  5. As you know there has been very little "up" for the northern tiered states so I'd like to know when he thinks the "up" part of winter is going to begin...
  6. I've long thought the "norms" and "averages" should come from the entire dataset from a reporting station. Using the so called 30 year averages is senseless. A complete waste of time because much of the data is not used in coming up with a norm/average.
  7. I've been saying the same for several years. It's like comparing QB's from the 60's and 70's to current day QB's. It is important to understand how the "stats" during the analog years were compiled...the background matters and must be taken into consideration but it is often disregarded.
  8. ..and that is made worse by the lack of pattern recognition and the refusal by some people to accept the impact that climate change is having...
  9. They are activities that many people like to do during the winter....perhaps you should consider going outside more often rather than being glued to watching bad model runs??
  10. hockey Ice fishing running biking walking hiking camping photography birdwatching ice climbing rock climbing curling ..and that's just off the top of my head..
  11. The above will certainly prove to be correct once 1/5 arrives.
  12. I'll be cleaning my sock draw....
  13. ..and the surprise is?? lol Reality is beginning to sink in for the for the believers...
  14. ..oddly his running style at USC and in the pros was described as being just that....
  15. Prior to the 1973 season he was considered to be a bust. Then he had a great 4 year run but tailed off badly after that.
  16. 469 of those yards came against the Patriots. He averaged a little more than 6 yards per carry behind the Electric Company. And the day he went over the 2000 yard mark was also an epic bust for several Boston TV mets. The Saturday before the game they were forecasting a very significant snowstorm for SNE but their forecasts busted badly.
  17. ..outside of that it is a direct hit for SNE and CNE...
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