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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. I agree, sign me up for an EL/LA Nothing...
  2. a multi year snow drought is still ongoing..
  3. https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2025/01/10/alleged-arsonist-arrested-in-los-angeles-amid-deadly-california-wildfires-kenneth/
  4. ..it's not even that cold across much of the northern tier states...run of the mill for the most part.
  5. ....it has barely snowed in the Merrimack Valley. I have 1.75 so far....last measurable snowfall was 3 weeks ago. And barring a miracle tomorrow the next 7-10 days may also be snowless...
  6. I've been around sports for nearly my entire life. I can state this with the utmost certainty-sports teams/organizations are dysfunctional to one degree or another-but some teams/organizations take dysfunction to new heights lol
  7. .all anyone needs to know about this storm threat is this thread has dissolved into a discussion about analyzing data...lol
  8. Don't laugh but there are numerous people out there who actually argue over those ratings...even players have complained about their rating(s) in the game...
  9. ...and that has led to an overanalyzing of players to the point that it has created paralysis by analysis....much like some people overanalyze the weather. Sometimes the best and most simplest answer is staring someone right in the face but they don't see it because of reams of data that they are analyzing.
  10. but not everyone will analyze the data in the same way...and too much data can "swamp" a person's ability to properly analyze the data.
  11. ..as we have seen in the world of baseball having too much data/tools can be a bad thing because it leads to overanalyzing..
  12. Well that would make for a very interesting case study if we had all of the data to compare storm tracks from the past to current storm tracks. ..and please note I am speaking of snowstorms not rain storms.
  13. ..lack of interest at some schools because of the lack of snow. "Fake" snow just doesn't cut it for a lot of people.
  14. yes I know, but there has to be a reason or reasons why they are occurring less frequently. The same goes for storms that develop in the gulf of Mexico and the 4 Corners region.
  15. Question for you if you do not mind. What is your take on the disappearance of storms moving into the Ohio Valley and then redeveloping along the NC/SC coast?..and from there moving northeastward. seems like the phrase" and then will transfer energy to a new low" is rarely used now days
  16. ....the ones I know have said they will not return to the snowplowing business because it has become near impossible to make money to cover the expenses much less turn a profit.
  17. In the Merrimack Valley numerous snowplowing companies have called it quits. And many auto dealerships are refusing to take trucks with a plow package as a trade in because they have become near impossible to re-sell. I've also heard that several local hs ski teams are considering pulling the plug on their programs after this season......the long lasting snow drought in the area is certainly having an impact on many businesses .....and for what it is worth I agree regarding mood flakes....
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