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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. Forget about the weather!! You need to do something about this!!! TWITTER BLUESCHAOS ON THE SOCIALARE YOU THE REAL OPRAH?POPE UNVERIFIED!MUSK 'PAYS' FOR FEW
  2. I ve known several hikers who have been chased by bears..all of them made the mistake of trying to run away from a bear....sometimes bears will run the other way but it isn't a good idea to count on that happening.
  3. Running away causes a "prey reaction" in many wild animals..lucky for you the bear did not go into full predator mode...besides the bear was likely from Chicago..they are on the slow side..
  4. ..that is why so many states are suing numerous solar power companies..
  5. 85 in Methuen, the BD has gone the way of the December Winter Train
  6. henry,bloom and cora are praying the front comes in ...the last thing they want is for the wind to be blowing out at fenway ....quite the vaunted pitching stafff put together by bloom!!....the man is pure genius! didn't take long for henry magic to infect the penquins..
  7. That is the way I look at it. Personally I hate the look of min splits.
  8. ..but that will be changing for customers of National Grid https://www.nationalgridus.com/News/2023/03/Electric-Rates-Set-to-Decrease-May-1-for-National-Grid-Customers-in-Massachusetts/#:~:text=WALTHAM%2C MA – National Grid announced,filed today with the Massachusetts
  9. I had exceedingly low expectations going into the winter so it wasn't unfulfilling to me. It met my expectations.
  10. Uhmm did you not read the part about well above normal temps??? Both below normal snowfall and well above normal temps were the 2 major contributors to my grading the winter as an F-.
  11. Nearly every forecast for the winter of 22-23 failed miserably. Raindance had a great handle on the winter. He has 3 things going for him. He doesn't live anywhere close to SNE, and he isn't biased towards cold and snow, and he doesn't over analyze the situation. The Pope also had a great handle on the winter. Some people ridiculed him for his thoughts and opinions but he was right far more often than he was wrong. Every forecast that called for some combination of average/below average temps and average to above average snowfall deserves an F- grade. And there are many forecasts that deserve a grade of F- because essentially it was a non winter. Here in Methuen I give the winter an F- grade...well below normal snowfall and well above average temps. I think I wore a winter coat on perhaps 8 or 9 days the entire winter. Often times when it was snowing the snow was already in the process of melting. The warm ground limited accumulations and the time snow remained on the ground. The downplaying of a 3rd year La Nina and the warmth in November led to many forecasts going bust. The warmth in November was a harbinger of things to come.
  12. This is how your electricity provider thinks of you..
  13. Squirrels were very active in Methuen all winter long. I have 2 squirrels that demand the bird feeders get filled.
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