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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. Correct regarding weights. If done right they protect against injuries and other medical conditions. They have a positive effect on physical and mental health. Also numerous studies have shown that lifting weights helps prevent dementia.
  2. The morning crowd pales in comparison to the late afternoon/early evening crowd..
  3. I go to a gym daily...all you need to do is drive by gyms in the afternoon and evening lol...take a look at the number of cars in the parking lot(s)..
  4. ..not in Tolland!!..everyone is in bed by 6 PM..
  5. while grunting like they are lifting 200 pounds but are using 5 pound dumbbells
  6. Gyms are busiest from late afternoon into the evening.. Once again your statement falls into the category of some advice for you..
  7. perhaps kev can ride shotgun...He can lean out the window yelling "The Dews Are Coming, The Dews Are Coming"...the Paul Revere of weather!
  8. dew point of 60 in Methuen..I'm going to call that in to Fisher!..perhaps Fish can do a live remote in Methuen!
  9. It must not be a Chicago Bear...everyone knows they are rarely seen on Sundays..
  10. This is what makes the summer season so interesting...people "arguing" over how high the dew point is going to be....summer is the equivalent of reading Shakespeare in high school
  11. and let me add this..Can WBZ PLEASE make Barry Burbank the proverbial offer that he can't refuse to return???
  12. He's constantly looking for ways for it to be warm/hot...
  13. Everyone I know who works in education agrees with you! As do the people who have to work outside.
  14. It is perfect for many things including indoor and outdoor work. There have been a lot of people jogging, walking, and biking in the neighborhood.
  15. I have not had the heat on since prior to the "heat" in april.
  16. For those of you who enjoy reading about early New England history Amazon.com: Colonial New England Curiosities: Remarkable Occurrences, Miracles & Madness eBook : Geake, Robert A.: Kindle Store And I recommend this book as well. It is about a storm that rarely receives mention. Amazon.com: Northeaster: A Story of Courage and Survival in the Blizzard of 1952 eBook : Pelletier, Cathie: Kindle Store
  17. The interesting thing about the "Black Friday" in May of 1780 was the American Revolutionary War was still going on at the time. The combatants on both sides of the war along with ordinary citizens assumed that Judgement Day had arrived. People flocked to churches to pray for forgiveness and to be spared. The people had no idea that the "dark" was being caused potentially by wildfires. They were expecting a storm to hit the area BUT when a storm did not materialize panic ensued and the people began to head to churches across the countryside. For months after that day debate raged on about the cause of the "darkness" Some insisted it was a warning from God and that next time would be the END.
  18. A strong odor of smoke in Methuen ....perhaps coming from Fenway Park???
  19. I installed one last week but I used it for about 15 hours over 2 days. I am also loving not having to run the AC units.
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