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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. Some people can't fathom that is doesn't change the amount of daylight, it just changes when the daylight takes place.
  2. Trust me it was horrific. Hopefully never again but I think at some point a switch to permanent DST occurs for a period of time. It is amazing how many people think the switch will give them an extra hour of daylight lol
  3. What would be worse is a permanent shift to DST. Sunrise wouldn't be till after 8 AM Due to the oil embargo that happened for a period of time while I was in high school. ..it was awful. On days like today it stayed dark till well past 9 Am. Kids were falling asleep in class. I have relatives who live in Ann Arbor Michigan. People there are dead set against a permanent change to DST because for part of December and January the sun would rise shortly after 9 AM. A friend lives in Marquette, there the sun would not rise until after 930 AM.
  4. I only have one comment regarding the famed SPIRE model's projected track for Lee...
  5. Back then he was far different. He wrote a blog on the Accuweather site that was worth reading.
  6. Much like in hockey, Lee is going to rebound off of Nova Scotia and slam into Boston..
  7. .....agree..what is the thrill in that???....there are some larger broken tree limbs across from the Loop in Methuen...perhaps I should charge $10 for people to tour the "Broken Tree Limb Patch"... For people from Tolland the cost is $25
  8. ..and during the winter if someone posts the JMA showing a miss of a potential nor'easter you will ask... "Why is anyone using the JMA?"
  9. The period May 1st to October 1st is usually nothing more than a total bore fest...so I'm hearing that same voice in my head. Although some people here may assume I hear voices in my head much of the time!...but I can assure them that isn't the case!
  10. The people who want to see "big damage" simply do not understand and/or downplay the devastation that a redux of 38 would cause. They vastly underestimate the time it would take to get fully back to normal. They assume it would be a matter of a few days. The reality is the vast majority of people in New England are ill prepared for anything remotely resembling a redux of 1938.
  11. The good news is The Tolland Looters will be well rested for the 38 redux!
  12. Anyone who is actually hoping there is big damage needs to be checked in for 21 days of observation....
  13. ..long overdue for a new approach to developing a model. The current models are fair at best. Start fresh!..no more model upgrades...upgrading software is precarious at best, at worst it can be a significant downgrade rather than an upgrade.
  14. The was discussed on the Weather Channel this morning
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