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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. As things stand now December is likely to be the warmest December on record in the CONUS.....and it is very likely to be the least "snowiest" white Christmas on record across the CONUS.... Helluva way to run a winter...
  2. it was here ...so bad that numerous landscapers have gotten out of the snowplowing business...neighbors are having a difficult time hiring someone to do plowing this winter..
  3. see winter 22-23....a rat's ratter of a winter..
  4. With that size and strength...just might be the Pats 2024 1st round draft pick!!
  5. Are you the least bit familiar with the concept of page hits???
  6. ..meaning the "results" not the specific pattern...
  7. ......but time will tell if it actually comes to an end....and how long the end lasts for..that is the key. Does it end for a week or does it end for 3-5 weeks...
  8. But hasn't persistence won out since fall of 2022???
  9. looks almost as great as the Giants future does with Daniel Jones as QB...
  10. I agree, the simplest forecast would have been the way to go considering the likelihood of this being a high end moderate to strong El Nino. Some people downplayed the possibility of El Nino "train wrecking" the winter because it wasn't what they wanted to "hear"..
  11. Better chance of seeing a T-Rex roaming around your back yard than having an "old school" clipper system....
  12. .....next year you can sell those at THEIR get together!!
  13. C'mon man you are RAINING on their parade ...
  14. Far too many people here have let themselves become emotionally and mentally attached to something(the weather) that they have no control over. Some people set themselves up to be massively disappointed long before the approach of winter.
  15. I have no doubt that he is warming up in the bullpen...the greatest weather closer of all time.
  16. .....I'm glad my post has awaken you!...since it is the holiday season I am waiving the fee!!...
  17. ....I disagree. I think some people would expect the results to be very similar....BTW if you know anyone looking to have their driveway plowed or business parking lot plowed this winter in Methuen advise them to find someone as soon as possible. Several Methuen area landscaping companies have decided to not offer snowplowing this winter.
  18. ...some people here are searching Draft Kings to find out which team Polar Airmass is playing....they want to take the opponent +7
  19. but,but I was told it was going to be a cold Thanksgiving Day....
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