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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. Some individuals are going down with the boat known as "WINTER 23-24"
  2. Numerous records for warmth/heat have been broken all across Canada the last several years....
  3. Who is claiming to be a genius???...I simply pointed out what has been taking place in the northern hemisphere.
  4. I agree, for some individuals it is an attempt to feed their ego. The same thing happens with the baseball stat geeks who think the answer(s) is in the numbers rather than with proper in person evaluation of players. .....and yes often times the simplest explanations are the best.. as the old saying goes, paralysis by analysis certainly applies to some people here who over analyze everything.....information overload is never a good thing.
  5. Pattern recognition is NOT a lucky guess. It is recognizing a pattern(s) and understanding the impacts the pattern(s) may have or may not have. The patterns the last several years have produced record warmth all over the northern hemisphere. Warmth can and has impacted snowfall. ..and that is not debatable. Many places in the northern hemisphere are experiencing their warmest year on record. It only stood to reason that if the warmth continued into late fall and winter that it would have an impact on snowfall....deductive reasoning is NOT a "lucky guess"... So far this past fall and early winter there has been a continuation of the record warmth across the northern hemisphere. And that has led to well below normal snowfall. At this point there needs to be a significant shift in the pattern to prevent the winter of 23-24 from being a complete dud.
  6. ..they have been in my neighborhood for years...
  7. Correct....but some people overlooked/downplayed what was taking place in Canada while putting together their 23-24 winter forecast..
  8. ..no one should be surprised by the well above normal warmth this past fall and the early part of winter..
  9. ....the last sentence is the key takeaway...lol
  10. One of the top posts in this thread!....Canada has been en fuego for months. The source region(Canada) for cold/cool air in the US has warmed so it only stands to reason that the US has also become warmer. And the warming across Canada and the US has led to a change in weather patterns. https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/environmental-indicators/temperature-change.html https://www.ctvnews.ca/climate-and-environment/canada-faces-green-christmas-as-el-nino-follows-warm-summer-head-climatologist-says-1.6696529 ...towards the end of the article Phillips makes a great point about El Ninos being different now because of worldwide warming..
  11. You understood perfectly why I wrote "good luck lol"...unlike some dude named Teapot or whatever his name is who announced to the world that he was adding me to his ignore list lol..... I can't even begin to tell you the impact it has had on my life...
  12. ..or hope that Jones has a revival with another team. Someone I know sold his Mayfield (Cleveland) jersey to a Tampa Bay fan.. as for the snow shovel, sell it on Craigslist or Facebook Market Place..
  13. The Weather Chanell this morning reported that if things remain the same in regards to snowcover that it will be a record.....consdering the record warmth that is likely to occur it is extremely likely that Christmas 2023 will establish a new record.
  14. That is correct. 2017 missed out because there wasn't an inch of snow on the ground as of 7AM.
  15. As you know, Canada has been en fuego...
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