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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. ..and by the way if you are ever in Methuen you can tell me that to my face...lol....we both know that isn't happening ...lol
  2. ..just ignore the group think mentality lol
  3. there will be a lot of snow on roofs prior to the rain....
  4. Some people are going to have to enlist the help of the greatest plumber of all time to help with their upcoming water problems...
  5. ..until the rain mid week and late week.....a lot of heavy wet snow on roofs....last thing needed is 2 back to back soaking rain storms.
  6. Every time I hear/see the word snow squall I am reminded of the time I was chased by the police while in Canada..
  7. I assumed a snowsquall impacted your ability to read that post..
  8. I agree regarding the stations but the long term dataset would still provide worthwhile data to do comparisons.
  9. I wonder how far above compared to the long term average..
  10. Sort of like saying "I finished first in a road race" while neglecting to mention that there was only 1 other person in the race...
  11. ......not saying him specifically but there are numerous people on these forums that downplay the impact of climate change. The temps should be compared to the entire available database as opposed to 30 year averages. Doing so would allow people to grasp the full impact that climate change has had and continues to have.
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