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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. 95/75 and he's wearing a hoodie to install lol Seems right to me.
  2. For him met summer starts in mid April and it ends in mid Oct. Clueless as usual.
  3. And at this very moment he's searching the web in an attempt to find a post or 2 that backs up his "thoughts"
  4. Reported the storm/hail to NWS about 35 minutes ago. Had heavy rain and a good burst of hail in Methuen.
  5. You sure can!!..please donate to the Red Sox Help Us Pay for a Closer Fund
  6. Best bet is to get a quote in mid to late fall . Install prices are usually less expensive then because contractors realize people will be preoccupied with holiday spending and tuition payments that are due in late Dec or early Jan. And it is easier to negotiate a price at that time of the year.
  7. 18K seems very high. Some contractors give outrageous bids. The price include duct work?
  8. He spends all of his waking hours on the net trying to find posts that agree with his thoughts. Lets just all agree that a massive heat ridge stretching from Antarctica to the Arctic Circle is going to boil the East coast into oblivion. Agreeing=less posts by him.....Ok I'll start, July is going to feature 31 days with high temps exceeding 95 with dews approaching 85....
  9. As usual the thread gets hijacked because of someone's desire for it to be excessively hot with high dews every day during the summer with no regards to the climate history of SNE. The same happens during the winter only at the opposite end of the weather spectrum.
  10. And that is exactly what many people did last summer. For many people it was too hot and humid for them to do much outdoors.
  11. And I wrote it in jest. I have no interest in having a hurricane hit New England.
  12. Yeah like that never happens...…...
  13. And we all know the models are never wrong in the long range. And the same person who wants a huge east coast ridge to build for July-Sept is going to be the same person asking"Scooter, Scooter, any signs of the ridge breaking down " come Oct 1....and to be followed by 1000's of posts lamenting the huge east coast ridge as the days head deeper and deeper into autumn and approaching winter.
  14. Usually carbon black is used for black mulch and iron oxide for red mulch.
  15. You need to tap into the model that is being run out of TJRHS
  16. He thinks the entire New England region drifts south during the spring/summer and it takes up a position just off the coast of Florida before drifting back north in the fall and then taking a position to the east of Caribou
  17. A fungicide may help. If you decide to use a fungicide use it on a "test" area first.
  18. Property taxes in NH are extremely high.
  19. On the news this morning there was a report that the casino has fallen 900 employees short of their hiring goal. Perhaps because the casino is in Everett??? lol
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