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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. Close enough lol. Why even bother posting a graph for 38 N? I suppose it's the NE for those living in Atlanta.
  2. LWM with around 200 hours so far compared to nearly 1200 hours last year.
  3. He will post anything to try to prove he is 100 percent right 100 percent of the time.
  4. All those who consider 38 N to be the northeast please raise your hand....
  5. Been dropping like a rock for the last several hours.
  6. I'm going to draw my own map for winter. Winter is still several months off but one of the highlights of my map is going to read "Great Lakes- Lake Effect Snow".
  7. 18,000 BTU combined with 2 fans and a dehumidifier is a better option. And you will have to cool/dehumidify the area overnight. And even with those a lot depends on how many people will be in the area and how long they will be in the area for.
  8. A lot of bold calls on that map....tropical focus along the shores of FL,Al, AR, and LA....Thunderstorms in NY,VT, NH and ME during the summer??..that is practically unheard of....and sea breezes along the coast... learn something new every day...……..
  9. 130-150 in the race cars. The drivers do have some ways for keeping themselves and the inside of the cars a bit "cooler" .
  10. On a normal summer day it is brutally hot watching a race there. No thanks on days like this upcoming weekend. It's impossible to enjoy the race all that much when it is that hot.
  11. You got that right! Torrential rain in Methuen.
  12. Because the majority of us are tired of the act.
  13. The discussion is always generated by the same individual who has an insatiable desire to be right 100 percent of the time.
  14. The departures are being skewed by the overnight lows at the airports. For example LWM has had much higher overnight lows than what I have observed at my home. On a straight line I am only a few miles away from the airport. Something has been off with the temp readings at LWM for years. Perhaps there is a similar situation going on at other airports.
  15. All things considered it has been typical weather for July.
  16. He would try to sell him the same machine that was broken.
  17. He meant no relief was in sight for the next couple of hours
  18. I've noticed a lot more people outside today doing things than the past 3 days. Days like today are ideal for people to get outside. As you know people want to get outside and enjoy the weather without sweating their a** off. Amazing how a few individuals want to hibernate indoors while sitting in front of a window AC unit that was installed in Feb. The only thing those few individuals need to have "installed" is some intelligence and common sense.
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