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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. A dated article but I wonder how many sites experienced something similar in the past and/or are experiencing something similar now with the newer equipment. LWM is a well known "hot" spot for both morning lows and daily highs. wattsupwiththat.com/2008/01/10/inside-the-asos-ho83-tempdewpoint-sensor/
  2. I do think instrumentation is a factor in the higher temp and dew point readings.
  3. Why do I get the feeling that come OCT 1 that someone is going to be complaining if the AN pattern looks to continue well into the fall and early winter????
  4. Certainly was a gorgeous evening. It was ideal weather for doing anything outdoors.
  5. Did you watch the video? What is your opinion of what is falling at the end of the video?
  6. Great attitude! Too many older people remind themselves on a daily basis of how old they are. And it leads them to feel and think older.
  7. He hates her music lol. And money and fame do not mean someone has accomplished all that much.
  8. A friend refers to her as Failure Swift...…...
  9. Copeland was certainly a big fan of winter storms. Back then all of the mets gave their own ideas/thoughts on a forecast. Now the majority just show futurecast without providing their own thoughts. I consider Tim Kelley on NECN to be a throwback because he often goes into detail with his forecasts.
  10. Those were the days! Back in Dec. of 1973 I recall Don Kent being all excited about a major storm coming up the coast that was going to deliver 1-2 feet of snow. That was the Saturday prior to the day that OJ Simpson broke the single season rushing mark. By Sunday the forecast had changed to more of a mix/ rain storm. It was obvious that Kent was not happy about the turn of events. During the late 70's or early 80's there was a weekend met on channel 7 who was an obvious lover of winter weather. I do not recall his name but he was the 1st to give a 7 day forecast. For the most part he always had a snowstorm at the end of the 7 day forecast. He could conjure up a storm with the best of them!
  11. It's well known the Fisher is a fan of the summer and the heat, not so much a fan of winter weather. I think in some instances it hurts his ability to forecast during the winter. Although he is not alone. I think most on air Boston mets prefer forecasting during the summer as oppose to the winter. I miss the days of Mark Rosenthal being all excited when a winter storm was about to hit. Fisher does do a great job of posting on Twitter and he does have a good sense of humor.
  12. I haven't noticed anyone outside in my neighborhood since Friday. When the temp was in the 75-85 range people were outdoors enjoying the summer weather. There isn't all that much that can be done outside that is enjoyable.
  13. He said "everything is ruined " in the same manner as the hillbilly chick who is informed at the alter that the groom to be will not be coming because the groom ran off with his sister.
  14. Dave Dombrowski traded for Newburgh, he thought it was a bullpen arm...….
  15. A lot depends on how healthy the tree was prior to the attack. And if it can heal. Clearly there are many holes in the tree. Old timers would attempt to save such a tree by spraying it with a mix of water and mild anti bacterial soap. I've seen some use deer repellent in an attempt to ward off woodpeckers. And in some cases I've seen trees be wrapped with burlap in an attempt to lessen further damage and to allow the tree time to heal.
  16. Half of meteorological summer is in the books. Mean temperatures across the Lower 48 are not particularly exciting. Near normal when you average out the country.
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