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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. So if Dorian does take a turn to the north, and I post "Looks like Dorian is going to hit the SC coast" ...you assume I want to see a cat 3/4 hit SC???
  2. That is a huge leap to make from still moving west to someone wanting a direct hit on Florida.
  3. Hey did you find that post on your profile????? Ya know the one you said a mod deleted. Easily done!
  4. So you make the jump from "Dorian seems to be still heading west" to people hoping for a direct hit on FL?????
  5. So what are people suppose to discuss?? Even Mets on here and other online sites/TV have discussed Dorians wobbles and potential tracks. And some have speculated on Dorian hitting FL. Is that wishcasting? I have not read a post that stated "I want to see A full fledged CAT 5 Dorian hit Florida"
  6. So expressing an opinion/thought is "wish casting"????
  7. There is a significant difference between discussing different scenarios and wishing for a " 200 MPH Dorian" to hit FL
  8. Find 10 posts where people stated they were hoping FL gets impacted by a 200 MPH Dorian...…...
  9. You can easily find the post on your profile page. Would take you a couple of minutes at most. Where's the post????
  10. Main thread is much better than someone constantly posting about high dews.
  11. …...while they sulk inside staring at the Vantage for a slight uptick in the dew point
  12. I'm always suspect of solutions showing a storm meandering along the east coast for days.
  13. It just the usual nonsense that he posts daily.
  14. My first thought while viewing the images was grubs.
  15. Did you check for grubs prior to reseeding? From the pictures it looks like you have 2 different types of grass growing in the area, is my assumption correct?
  16. If you have Comcast call them and tell them you want to know about how to cancel the service. They will begin to offer you discounts to stay. If not ask for the customer retention dept. They are charged with retaining customers so they most certainly will offer you discounts to remain a customer. My wife called a couple of weeks ago and the offer was a $20 reduction per month in cost plus free Netflix.
  17. 6.5 in Methuen but we never lost power. A lot of tree damage but not as much tree damage as in the March 2018 storm.
  18. Essentially just heavy rain in the Methuen area. I did not notice any type of tree damage.
  19. Even doing yardwork there is a difference in feel now as opposed to June and July.
  20. Has the HR Eovaldi allowed landed yet in Stowe???
  21. Only 2 individuals here want that type of damage...of course not to their homes.
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