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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. Last night I drove by the Market Basket at The Loop in Methuen.....people had the world is ending look in their eyes...lol...
  2. looks like .75 will do it for the Winter Wonderland aka Methuen...up to 26.5 on the season. Greatest winter of all time.! One day grandpas and grandmas will be telling stories about the winter of 23-24..
  3. Meanwhile here in the Winter Wonderland known as Methuen(sort of rhymes with methane)...schools are closed because of a cloudy sky. . Don't worry folks, Methuenite Nation is a hardy bunch, somehow we will we survive this latest onslaught of winter 23-24..
  4. ..but, but what happened to the epic pattern that you said was going to develop??
  5. Meanwhile in Wisconsin.. Ice Cover Keeps Disappearing Across Northeast Wisconsin as Record Warmth Carries On | WTAQ News Talk | 97.5 FM · 1360 AM | Green Bay, WI Milwaukee sets record high temperature in February 2024 at 56 degrees (jsonline.com) First confirmed tornado in Wisconsin in February reported just south of Madison, near Evansville and Edgerton (msn.com)
  6. in the SNE subforum they would assume you are refereeing to "feet" not inches...
  7. Just some friendly advice for you...Some forum members will accept you more readily if you have an epic meltdown....and per my policy, no charge for the 1st time advice...
  8. I also do not imaging my love for cold and snow ever changing...well until SNE becomes the Hilton Head of the north..
  9. Part of the reason is a lot of older people stay indoors a lot during the fall and winter so they never acclimate to colder weather. I still love cold weather. I am outdoors every day. Being outdoors every day makes it very easy to acclimate to colder weather . Staying indoors leads to a lot of inactivity which leads to a lot of health problems Aging has both mental and physical aspects. Having a positive mental approach and physical approach to aging is important. I know many people at the gym who are in their 70's- 90's. They workout every day. I've seen them at the gym on the coldest and most snowiest of days.
  10. Well that is going to be a problem..MASSDOT begins advertising for snowplow drivers in September on electronic signs along the highway. Owning a large truck with a plow is very costly. Insurance has become expensive,as have repairs.
  11. I read your post and Daniel Jones popped into what is left of my mind..
  12. Here is the thing about moving to a snowier location. Most people fail to plan for when they can no longer do the snow removal themselves. People age out of it. Then it becomes a matter of hiring someone to do the snow removal work. That can get very expensive, very quickly. Another thing is people get tired of always having to do the snow removal. My former neighbor has a place in Pittsburg NH. He has told me that some people move to Pittsburg for the winter activities but quickly grow tired of what can be daily snow removal. There is a big difference in admiring a snowy location from afar than actually living in a snowier location. Same goes for people who move south. I've known numerous people who moved to Florida because they enjoyed the Florida weather during vacations BUT they hated living in Florida because of the unrelenting heat and humidity.
  13. I prefer to look on the bright side....prevents people from buying them..
  14. you don't need luck...you need
  15. I don't think it is a jerk reaction at all. I have seen the same here in SNE and So NH. Many landscapers have gotten out of the snow plowing business. A guy who lives not too far from me just put hi large pickup truck with a plow up for sale. Many businesses have been negatively impacted by a string of terrible winters.
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