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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. Noyes has had a great handle on the winter from the beginning.
  2. Wrong as usual. Clueless as usual. Nonsensical daily drivel as usual. There are numerous reasons why people are affected by temp and the dew point. Next winter turn off the heat in your home for the entire winter and then let us know how happy you are.
  3. You might want to talk to some landscapers about how happy they are when they have to work when the temp is 85+ with dew points in the 60's and 70's.
  4. Perhaps this winter will be like the epic 2018 showdown between Fury and Wilder, the fight in which Fury somehow got back on his feet in the 12 round after nearly being counted out.....likely wishful thinking!
  5. I had relatives who lived there for many years. They always told me" you really do not know what REAL winter is".
  6. Agree, I'd take 13-14 over this winter and last winter.
  7. I agree. He has nothing better to do all day. He reminds me of someone I worked with years ago. He was always trying to stir the pot at work. Eventually the company made the decision to shit can him. He tried defending himself by claiming everything he said was in jest, much in the way he does by claiming he isn,'t trolling and trying to aggravate people. People like him always claim innocence about their actions.
  8. Thanks for posting a picture of yourself during a tantrum.
  9. Every day your goal is to write the same thing over and over again in an attempt to upset people. You know exactly what your goal is prior to writing nearly every post that you have written . And you continue to do so on a daily basis. And then you get pissed when you get called out on your daily drivel. Numerous people have called you out BUT you continue to post things in an attempt to upset people who enjoy winter weather Speaking of stalkerish behavior, YOU have essentially stalked the winter weather forums for months .
  10. It's about the only thing that can be considered great in Billerica. Howie Carr describes Billerica as Somerville with trees......
  11. "warm season things" and the months of March and April do not go all that well together. And by warm season things do you mean leaving your basement for 10 minutes???
  12. Another thing that was ignored was the storm tracks during the fall.
  13. I do not think Larry Cosgrove was ever onboard with the idea of a cold and snowy winter.
  14. I think many of them ignored the overall warmth of the oceans and the record warmth across much of the Northern Hemisphere. And let's face it a forecast for a cold and snowy winter is click bait on some level.
  15. Actually there hasn't been much to clean up. Usually I have to clean up a lot of twigs/branches during the winter but not this winter. I only have 1/2 of a lawn bag so far. In a typical winter I usually fill 4-5 bags with branches and twigs. The lawn looks more like it does during later March and/or early April.
  16. Exactly, it's why so many forecasts for the winter fail.
  17. A 3-5 inch storm is much better than no snow at all.
  18. Fisher had 3.1 on his broadcast on Tuesday Edit...and I believe a total of 5.7 combined for this January and last January. Fisher also added that a total that low had only occurred in back to back Januarys one other time, and that was back in the 30's
  19. Wrong as usual.....but then again when have you ever been right about anything????
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