I'm outside every day....I average a little over 21,000 steps per day and that is in addition to doing weights..and ..and btw my parents are both deceased...
There is downside risk to getting out of bed in the morning....of course there is always going to be downside risk but it is next to impossible to invest in the stock market without accepting the risk(s) of losing money.....sure people can invest in funds with very low return rates BUT they will often miss out on larger gains because of the fear of losing money. Those people are best suited to put money into CD's.
Being too conservative can be just as bad as being too aggressive.
to discuss high dews, certainly not!!.. current dew point is 68!!...not as bad of a falloff as the stock market but still lower than the recent swamp of Louisiana readings...
What is your current dew point???
When people are in full blown panic mode they do not think at all. That is when the "calmer heads" prevail and make money.
** Hopefully she shreds those statements!